Dec 30, 2009
MR25 Ultra Marathon
Being around them is a surreal experience in itself. When you are surrounded by greatness, you are forced to match them at their level. Unfortunately, I bombed, and I bombed hard. These people are what they are through much sacrifice and training. There is no way you can come amongst them without training and expect to hang. Alas, my first foray into trail running/ultra marathon wasn't as rosy as I had hope, but the experience was bountiful, and the lessons learnt, immense.
I barely made the half marathon, completing it in 2hrs 30mins. However, I have learnt that running on flat ground is childs' play compared to running in the wilderness. A lot more awareness is needed, and a lot more stamina too. Despite the failure I have realised that – this is something that I want to conquer. I know I can do it with adequate training. The Standard Chartered marathon has been milked pass its worth. It has become (for lack of a better description) a national past time. This is a real challenge, and I'm coming back for it next year.
Screw SCSM, this is much more worthwhile.
Dec 22, 2009
Shades That Impairs and Trucker Caps with Double Volume Height
Firstly, people who wear sunglasses. Do you really need to wear them inside a building? For what? Scared the lights too bright blind you is it? Make you look like COCK understand.
Pardon my deviation to Singlish, there really isn't any other way to put that message across.
Secondly, double volume trucker caps. What's up with that? Caps are meant to sit snugly on the top of your head. What, your hair needs breathing space as well? Why bother wearing a cap then? Brain need air ah? Your brain got big enough not? Make you look like ANOTHER COCK!
Dec 13, 2009
This reject will update again when he returns with lots of photos.
Nov 30, 2009
Official Semester 2 Results
Design Theory B – PA (52)
Studio D – DI (72)
Studio E – DI (77)
Studio F – DI (78)
How did the pass happen? Damn... what a damper.
Nov 28, 2009
Reaping the Rewards
Another piece of good news. My folio results are in!
Big thanks to Adam for collecting my folios for me.
Studio D: DI
Studio D R&A Journal: DI
Studio D Folio: DI
Studio E: HD
Studio E Folio: HD
Studio F: HD
Can confidently apply for a job now. =)
Anxiously awaiting the final results on Nov 30th.
Living it up in Singapore. Can't wait to meet Ellis again!
Nov 21, 2009
It's Good To Be Back!
Yet to taste any local food, but got the opportunity this morning so I'm not going to waste it!
By the way, blogged this post on high speed unlimited broadband! The speed and ease is so invigorating!
Nov 20, 2009
Pope and John Wagner were hauled away by police and charged with theft for not paying the mandatory 18 percent gratuity totaling $16 after eating at the Lehigh Pub in Bethlehem, Pa. with six friends.
Pope claimed that they had to wait nearly an hour for their order and that she had to get napkins and silverware for the table herself.
“At this point I became very annoyed because I had already gone up to the bar myself to have my soda refilled because the waitress never came back,” Pope said.
After the $73 bill came, the group paid for food, drinks, and tax but refused to pay the tip. After explaining the bad service to the bartender in charge, Pope claimed he took their money and called police. The couple was handcuffed and placed in the back of a police car.
“I understand that, you know, we didn’t pay the gratuity, but it was a gratuity, it wasn’t something that was required,” said Wagner.
Police charged them with theft since the gratuity was part of the actual bill. However, it is doubtful that the charges will hold up in front of a judge. The couple is scheduled to appear in court next month.
Firstly, how did gratituity become part of the actual bill? Isn't it something you give out of gratitute? The word alone implies that it is not mandatory.
Gratitude – the quality of being thankful
Isn't it just ridiculous to impose gratitude? You must be grateful that I have served you, because without me the food would never have gotten to you. Hello? Isn't that part of your job description in the first place? Furthermore, by imposing gratituity charges as part of the bill, wouldn't it dampen the quality of service? It gives the staff assurance that the tip is "in the bag", why bother then? I'm going to get an 18% tip regardless so lets have some fun now shall we?
Good luck bringing the case to court I say. As for the bartender who called the cops on the couple, grow some brains.
Couple Busted for Refusing to Pay Tip
Singapore in 24 Hours
Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon – 06 Dec 09
MacRitchie Runners 25 Ultra Marathon – 27 Dec 09
Run For the Kids – 14 Mar 10
Mind Alpine Challenge – 22 Mar 09
Packed garang schedule ahead. Life's good.
Nov 18, 2009
The End Is Near
Oh well. It's Wednesday. That's 48 hours. I'm going home! God's been good to me this year, as did everyone I've encountered during my stay in Melbourne. And now, it's time to go back home. My home. Remembered the pledge we recited on my commissioning parade – "I dedicate my life to Singapore". Sure, we laughed at it then. Little did we know how much that small island meant to us when it's taken away. I've made new friends and acquaintances over the past 8 months, but Singapore is definitely where I want to be.
Home. Family. Friends. Heart.
Nov 10, 2009
Tumblr seems to be his site of choice. Well, blogger isn't doing such a good job retaining members anyway. It's a bitch to use and quite frankly, I would move too once I've got my camera. =)
I've updated the link so you can catch his juicy pictures from his Nikon D90 and his myriad of lenses HERE, or the link on the right div.
Oh Jia Wei's organising a food tour once we're all back in Singapore. FOOOOOOOD!
Countdown to Singapore: (still) 10 days
Spark of Insanity : Down Under
Oh and Achmed was FREAKING FUNNY!!! (as usual)
Countdown to Singapore: 10 days!!!
Nov 4, 2009
The Forgotten Grade
Studio A - Credit (65)
Studio B - Distinction (74)
Studio C - Distinction (73)
Design Theory A - Distinction (72)
Not too shabby. Now gingerly awaiting my results for Semester 2 which will be out on December 1st. Hopefully there'll be more DIs waiting. LOL!
On a totally different note, Hulk Hogan has joined TNA and apparently given "promoter" rights. Hogan claims he is in it to help younger talent and to boost TNA's ratings and the product in general.
Two things about Hogan.
One - He is way too old, he's in it for the money. Step aside, you have nothing left to proof. More importantly, you have nothing left to give.
Two - You can't wrestle for nuts! Don't destroy TNA, a legitimate organisation that will give the WWE a run for their money, and destroy it like you did WCW with Eric Bischoff. Back down Hogan, the wrestling world needs to remember you as a legend in your time, not someone who comes in and brings two huge organisations down.
Countdown to Singapore : 15 days
Oct 28, 2009
From The Good Old Days

I was just looking through my long forgotten photobucket account (cos I kinda remembered I had one) and found this gem of a photo.
Yup, that was me in Primary School.
That is a 11-12 year old kid, all of 75kg.
(which is by the way, almost the same weight as I am now)
Now, how can you not find that cute?
Oct 27, 2009
As you can see, there are several changes made, none of which extremely fancy or complicated. Was supposed to be a more complicated design though. Honestly, I actually bothered opening Dreamweaver to tinker with the html codes. However, it didnt work out as it was supposed to, so here's what you get. A watered-down version of what it was meant to be.
I've got to start compiling my portfolio soon, and when I'm done with compiling my 1st year's work, I'll probably post it up on RMIT's RAWS server. Not too sure yet but that's the plan.
Countdown to Singapore : 24 days
Oct 26, 2009
For Those With Beer Buddies
While it is okay to indulge in a beer and a nibble of Nobby's once a week, if you're trying for a baby, boost your chances of conception by switching to vodka and orange. University of California studies show that this zinc-and-folate packed drink raises sperm counts (never knew that eh?) by up to 78%.
In moderation, of course.
Australian Men's Health, Nov 2009, 'Fem-ale', pg. 26
Countdown to Singapore : 25 days
Oct 25, 2009
26 OCT 2009
The countdown is finally over. Time to sit back, relax, and wake up at noon everyday!
Ok not really... more like time to get your lazy butt moving and start training for SCSM you pig.
Oct 22, 2009
Let's see... it's Thursday, so I'm 4 days ahead of time!
Love the feeling, gives you the chance to step back and look at things differently.
So anyway, apart from workshop challenges, everything's done.
Oct 21, 2009

Not going to name any names here, but I think the image speaks for itself. How about it? Would you buy a t-shirt with this? Haha. For those of you who are lost, it's a Singaporean thing.
Website has been troubleshooted, tested and up online. No more changing! I'm left with folio compilation and printing! OMG OMG OMG!
My Affair With DreamWeaver
Countdown: 6 days to final submission.
31 days to Singapore.
Dion's got his iphone. I need one soon too.
Oct 17, 2009
Interesting Sports Facts
Listed are the sport with number of injuries per 1000 hours
Threadmill Running - 6
Rowing - 8
Outdoor Running - 11
Basketball - 14
Snow Sports - 16
Squash - 16
Football - 18
Rugby - 31
Does it make sense to you now why I'm so disfigured? Lol! Ok later, back to DreamWeaver.
Oct 15, 2009
What Better Than A Nice Crown Dinner?
Rushing only makes life miserable. Life is too short to be rushed, every moment needs to be savoured for full effect.
Of course, it's a double edged sword. But one can honestly say on hindsight that only through the complete experience, even through hard times, can one truly appreciate the good times.
Good times, like a long 2 hour dinner. =)
Oct 13, 2009
Received my folios for various projects back today.
Studio D - Intrigue (HD)
Studio E - Celebrity Item (DI)
Studio F - Magazine (DI)
An extra boost to work extra hard for the finals. I got to say, I'm really happy with the HD, cos I never thought I'd break the DI barrier for Studio D (past 2 projects being mere CRs).
At the risk of sounding pompous, I kind of despise Credits. It's fine if it was a Pass or Fail or Distinction, cos it tells you where you stand. To me, a Credit's just telling you... you're not really there but I don't want to break your heart so hey, take a Credit! But that's just me yabbing.
That means it's 3 more working days for you. ;)
I officially finish 4:45:54 on the clock and 4:44:59 net.
Which means... I did it below my target of 4:45:00!!! Even by a second, I'll take it!
Ok before I get overly excited, I've been looking through the race timings as well as the average timings for specific age groups. Turns out, my timing is considered VERY slow.
Of the participants aged between 20-60, the average timing was BELOW 4hrs! Hence, I'm only relevant in the 61-65 year old age group, whose average timing is 4:49:05!
That SUCKS! And here I am thinking breaking the 5hr barrier was cool.
Ok next up, training to break the 4hr mark for Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon on Dec 6th.
On a (almost) totally unrelated note, I'm officially done with 1 of my 4 final projects and looking to complete another by tonight, which leaves 2. Not too shabby, except one of them involves DreamWeaver. And I have had it known about my sentiments towards that programme. But, yeah it'll come around when it does, and I'll complete it whether I like it or not.
Counting down to 26th Oct.
Verociously counting.
Oct 11, 2009
While You Were Sleeping
42.195km in 4:45:49.
Not too bad considering I still had tonnes of winter weight and not much training.
Wouldn't consider this my PB though, cos of the dizzy spell at the 20 and the severe cramps to both quads from the 26 onward.
Looking forward to equaling or better the timing in Singapore.
It's started to rain now... what better weather could one ask for?
Sleep time. My poor legs.
Oct 6, 2009
Adobe DreamWeaver
...I think I'm slowly starting to like this bitch of a software.
Maybe I'm just a closet technophobe.
Oct 3, 2009
Happy Birthday Shawn
I'm not someone who likes to celebrate lavishly, so for those who remembered, thank you. I'm growing ancient so that's probably another reason NOT to publicise my birthday. Anyhow, lots of great gifts, nice cards, surprises, cake... Ellis actually compiled a birthday card with wishes from my friends, and that was really sweet.
For those who sent me a comment on facebook, thank you for taking the time to leave that short comment. I've replied each and everyone independently. As for those in the above mentioned card, I would like to thank you here.
Big thanks to:
Miguel Tan
Samuel Koh
Liew Sing For
Adelene Valentia Wee
Kevin Tan
Wong Zhen Cong
Denise Tan
Andy Seow
Paul Lam
Dan Samitisirisuk
Also to those from home:
Da Jie
Er Jie
San Jie
Si Jie
All the kids
I've been told I have a birthday present sitting in my room waiting for me to open when I get back. Talk about having incentives to going back eh? I'm missing Singapore even more now.
On a totally unrelated note. Today being 2nd Oct means in a week it'll be 11th Oct. (Well 10th Oct comes first and don't worry I haven't forgot that important date) It's officially 7 days to the St George Melbourne Marathon. I hope I don't die, or rather, remain fit enough to walk to Uni on Monday.
There's a countdown occuring on Dion's Photoblog to the end of his misery (read-internship), so I'm starting a couple here too.
Countdown to end of semester: 23 days
Countdown to Singapore: 48 days
Can't wait.
Oct 1, 2009
Happy Childrens' Day
Take the time, relive the carefree life.
We all know that kiddish feeling.
We feel it itching to burst out ever so often.
Don't hold back.
It's only one day a year.
Have a marvelous CHILDRENS' DAY!
Sep 28, 2009
Sep 21, 2009
Public Request
So I have decided to change it to a more narcissistic looking one!
Sep 18, 2009
Intrigue - Part 2

Ok this is what I've been working on. You might need to click on the picture and view it in actual size to make out the words.
Still work in progress. I shall not provide an explanation yet, so it's open to your own interpretation.
I'm still not happy with the colour blend though, don't seem to mix very well... is it too dark? Well, gonna work on it later, after a nice relaxing run and a nice refreshing dinner. =)
Sep 13, 2009
I Hate Clubbing
Ask me why and I'll gladly name a thousand and one reasons.
Sep 9, 2009
Le Kua Simi
Sorry I just couldn't help it.
All that bastardized English! SINGLISH!!!
All my friends say I'm a chiongster
Who likes to drink teh si
My civic may be lao pok chia
But can almost hit 50
I just minding my own business
Why the others all cut me
They change lane don't use signal and
They always challenge me
Le kua simi, le kua simi?
(Eh kua simi? See what see)
See the light red turn green
See my super chio rim
Even though your car faster than me
My Honda still more swee
You may think you reach there faster than
You can order your ice cream
Le kua simi? Le kua simi?
I only earn $900, but my petrol $550
They say now is the downturn but
My car got leather seat
I know my car is not last forever
Because of COE
But a man must have his vision
And his density
Wa kua simi? Wa kua simi?
Find more girl at the bar
When they see my new car
They got feeling the techno beat
My bass tube sibei tua
I will drive you to Mount Faber and
Together we see star
Le kua simi?
Le kua simi tonight
Got sea and got mountain
You and me tonight
We going to reach milky way
Together we can join to make the down payment
Get a better car that I can afford
Zor kang cannot kiao kah
I must work extra hard
I must work in the sun until my face become chow tah
When patience is a virgin
You must wait long long time
No ah beng at the traffic light
Can hope to challenge me
Le kua simi? Le kua simi?
Sep 8, 2009
The Stretching Myth
Uncommon Wisdom: Stretching is worthless for distance runners.
Whether you stretch or not, you probably assume it is important. Doesn't it make you more flexible, more injury-resistant, even faster? But if that's all true, why is it that many Kenyans don't stretch? Why was legendary coach Arthur Lydiard not a fan of stretching? Why does Galloway say: "In my experience runners who stretch are injured more often, and when they stop stretching the injuries often go away?" And why do many studies keep popping up that show stretching may cause as many injuries as it prevents?
"Most runners have an unjustified faith in the benefits of stretching," says Paul Ingraham, a runner, massage therapist, and health journalist. "Plentiful research has shown that stretching doesn't help you warm up, ease muscle soreness, prevent injury, or enhance performance. In fact, no measurable, significant benefit of stretching has ever been proven."
Science backs him up. In reviews of the scientific literature on stretching in 1999 and 2000, published in the British Medical Journal and the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, stretching was found to have no statistically significant effect on reducing muscle soreness or injuries. A 2008 study of 1020 soldiers – half stretched and half didn't – found no difference in the frequency of injuries.
Ingraham's message is that you don't need to feel guilty if you do little or no stretching. But he admits that he still stretches some, simply because it feels good. If you're careful and enjoy stretching, you don't have to stop either. But if you're not sure how to stretch, don't have time, or hate doing it, don't bother.
Runner's World, Sept/Oct 2009
The Rules (Revised), pg 47
Reality TV
Yesterday was supposed to be the deadline for our Studio D shampoo project.
After the usual exhibition where everybody appreciates others' work, David went on his usual long rant (it was an hour long!) and culminated with "your deadline is next week". Like what the hell!? This is seriously frustrating.
More improvements to be done on the shampoo bottles now. I've spent almost $100 on it. Blast...
Sep 3, 2009
Shawn's Week Out of Uni
I'm so bummed with my magazine. Not too well conceived on the design aspect, but I reckon its got a helluva riveting read. And my god has Tania not replied to my email consultation. It's one thing to aspire to finish your work by last Sunday, but thwarted by something beyond your control? Damn.
Got my shampoo labels printed. The female one's done, with the male one lacking the all important jac paper. I like my concept, not too sure if it was translated well into reality though.
Power Potion for Hair.
Yep, that is the label for both genders.
Been working hard on the getting the stamina back on track the past week. Still not back in the groove for long distances (read: distances over 5km) yet, hoping to get back to doing 10km in 50 mins soon. Melbourne Marathon's 6 weeks away, god bless me eh?
Ok, Family Guy's coming on soon. Still the old mark for Family Guy.
Aug 30, 2009
1 Up
It's another to have good concepts.
It's a whole new level if you have both.
Not many do, but many think they do.
I don't, do you?
Caught Chicago: The Musical yesterday evening and I've got to say, I'm definitely appreciating Broadway and musical more now. I thought the performers were great, and the orchestra was immaculate. Yeah, I was taking notice of the orchestra more than the performers. Weird eh? Haha.
Oh South Africa defeated Australia in on helluva rugby match. RSA led 15-0 in only the first 10 minutes with 2 soft tries let in by a very lethargic Wallabies side. Subsequent tries by Bryan Habana was reaaaaally awesome. Australia fought back hard in the second half and Matt Giteau got himself on the score sheet twice. A last minute try by Lachie Turner summed up the Wallabies' night against a very on-form Springboks team.
South Africa 32 vs Australia 25
I think I might join Melbourne Uni's touch team.
Aug 25, 2009
hide's Psychedelic Pink Spider Guitar Pick

Create a label for a celebrity with the emphasis on typography. Do not use recognizable imagery. Background can take the shape of something but must be of a single solid colour. No tints, no shades. Using an existing font, match it to qualities inherent in your chosen celebrity and create a label that will market an item that might be a product from the chosen celebrity's own product range.
Didn't have much trouble choosing a celebrity. Those who know me will know its pretty much self-explanatory.
Hideto Matsumoto - aka hide.
hide's Psychedelic Pink Spider Guitar Pick.
(white areas to be trimmed out)
It folds down the middle so its coloured on both sides. Guitar pick goes on the space just under his name on the right hand side. I had to tweak the font sizes of the words "Psychedelic", "Pink" and "Spider" and track them inwards so that it doesn't look so... wrong. Anyway, no physical manipulations have been inflicted on the type, merely reflections, rotations, and changes in font size.
A prize for anyone who can guess the typeface.
(It's definitely one of your default fonts in both Mac and PC.)
*even though I exported it in RGB, the colours still don't exactly match what I have on screen. Hmmm... anyway the pink is definitely more concentrated - like hide's hair, and the yellow is essentially the same as his Burny Yellow Heart.
Aug 21, 2009
Anyway, I've realised that the current bunch of projects in Uni have brought out a certain "advertiser" in me. I enjoy advertising and marketing an object. Packaging it in a unique and special way. Maybe it's too soon to tell, but that is definitely an option for the future.
Kevin, if you're reading, leave Singapore! Haha. Ok I'm not a deserter, neither am I a traitor, and quite frankly, I've sworn before the flag that I would "dedicate my life to Singapore". But yeah, think about it. Singapore is so oversaturated with designer-wannabes. And I'm not saying that I'm even qualified to comment, but not half of them are even worth looking at. Consider, if it is within your means, an education outside of Singapore. Somewhere where you are not judged only on the outcome, but also your potential. The market is full of repeated designs, especially in Singapore, where people will take a liking to something, and mass produce. I'm sure you've encountered these clients - with a predetermined outcome in their mind, changing and changing to make the outcome suit their mental product. A brief should be interpreted by the designer. It shouldn't be something that explicitly tells you step 1 through to the end. A secondary school kid can do that. What you want to seperate yourself with from the masses is your ability to interpret the brief to produce something fresh and creative.
Verbal diarrheoa rant... haha. But yeah I guess I'm just very passionate about the state of design in Singapore. It's no longer a creative place, it's a photocopy machine.
Aug 19, 2009
Wah lan eh...
20th Nov '09
I'm going back to eat all the food that I am so deprived of.
I'm going back to eat bak chor mee.
I'm going back to eat char kuay teow.
I'm going back to eat fried hokkien mee.
I'm going back to eat lor tau kua.
I'm going back to eat $3 chap chye png.
I'm going back to eat roti prata
I'm going back to eat the chilli I so love.
I'm going back to eat REAL FOOD.
I'm going back to the sweltering heat.
I'm going back to buses that come every 5 minutes.
I'm going back to trains with 2 minute intervals.
I'm going back to cheap taxi fares.
I'm going back to cheap food.
I'm going back to cheap transportation.
I'm going back to buy my iPhone 3G(S).
I'm going back to get my Nikon DSLR.
I'm going back for Standard Chartered Marathon.
I'm going back for internship.
I'm going back for my neglected guitar.
I'm going back to family.
I'm going back to friends.
I'm going back to my own house.
I'm going back to my own room.
I'm going back to my own kitchen.
I'm going back to what's mine.
20th Nov 2009.
I'm going back.
Aug 17, 2009
Fringe Festival


Project 1 Brief
Fringe Festival Item
A. the overall "personality" of your hypothetical fringe festival.
B. the demographic audience that your communication item will be aimed at.
These will act as a basis and a guide to the development and direction of your conceptualizing and designing.
Your design solution must include the following components:
1. Hero image
2. Fringe festival title
3. Text that states when the festival is
4. text that state where it will be - location
A 2-sided print item that is no larger than A3.
As usual I'm going to rant on in my rationale and explanation but bear with me.
I have decided to work this fringe festival as part of a reoccuring annual festival held in Melbourne called the O.M.F.G - Official Melbourne Fringe Getaway. This hypothetical fringe festival is held annually and encourages participation with regards to its yearly theme.
This year, O.M.F.G is promoting Wrestling and Theatre. The similarities between the two may be greater than one may imagine as both are brilliant art forms in their own right and both are performed in front of a live audience. Wrestling is essentially violence-infused theatre and hence the reason for O.M.F.G to combine and promote the two as a fringe festival.
The fringe festival item is a flyer that is handed out to the general public that takes the form of a mask that can be worn on both sides. One side is a pure graphical representation of a Lucha Libre mask fused with a opera mask to bring emphasis to it’s theme for this year’s festival, while the other side is a myriad of paint splashes with the event title and event information. This side signifies the colourful performances that is wrestling aand theatre.
The mask is deliberately designed to perform independantly, hence the public can decide which side to wear the mask on to suit their mood/personality. It functions as either a crudely stuck together mask, or a colourful mask.
It is a flyer, mask, as well as a promoter of the vibrancy of the arts.
Coming up with a theme was the most tedious as it involved lots of brainstorming. Ideas that came to mind included a cosplay festival, a rugby festival, as well as a power rangers festival. However, I recalled a picture that I have came across that featured a mask made out of crudely stiched parts and conceived the wrestling/theatre idea.
The idea of making the item as “fringe” as possible was quite a challenge as well. I wanted the object, whatever it is, to function independantly on each side (2-sided printed item that is no larger than A3).
I wanted the item to be something practical in which the user could see as fresh and different and hence want to keep the flyer instead of just throwing it away. Given that Melbournians are relatively into theatre (based on the number of people catching performances every night), as well as how they like to spend quality family time (bringing their kids to fairs etc.) I observed that children then to be very receptive to something in which they can wear (a hat, glasses etc), thus the idea of a mask shaped flyer.
Coming up with an event title was also an ardious task because I wanted the title to be an abreviation that would attract attention. Something like SEX, but it’s too overused. My initial idea of WTF was to capture the attention of the youngsters as they are all very exposed to internet lingo. However, considering the actual abreviation (What The F...) and the feel of the festival, I decided to go with O.M.F.G instead. When read as is, it conveys the message of excitement (Oh My God!), while it also stood for the Official Melbourne Fringe Getaway. I thought both abreviations were very relevant to the annual festival which aims to be alternative, fresh, and very exciting.
Hope that wasn't too much of a read.
Aug 13, 2009
The Big Difference Between The Education Systems
We had a submission today for a project that involves us "talking to strangers" and then translating that experience onto an A0 size poster in black and white. Everyone had a different experience depending on the strangers they have spoken to and the outcomes were vast and diverse. Everybody approached the project from their distinct "designer" point of view and I dare say the solutions were all lovely.
My classmate Soli begged to differ and produced a solution that questioned the brief. A blank A0 sized piece of paper with a simple paragraph in the middle that stated something to the effect of "an experience between two individuals cannot be translated onto a piece of paper for it is priceless." It proceeded to criticise the brief and made it quite clear that if the lecturers wanted to know the experience, that they spoke to her directly.
Now, this kind of thing will definitely be frowned upon in Singapore. The student would most probably be thought to have failed the project. Soli, however, got the praise of the lecturers for challenging the brief and was told that was exactly what they were looking for. I think I can safely say that she aced that project.
I believe for Singapore to move forward in the design industry, one needs to accept the fact that design is not purely cosmetic, but functional. It is about designing what best suits the client's brief, and not what looks best.
If Singaporeans are ready to stop criticism and embrace design in its functionality, I would say that we are finally taking a right step forward.
Aug 11, 2009
A Good Day for All the Wrong Reasons
Thought I'd catch a tram down into the city so that I could save some valuable time walking. Who knew? Got busted by some undercover tram inspectors. And they blend in so well too. Guess you've got to give them credit. Don't F*** with the Melbourne tram system cos it's gonna turn right around and bite you in the ass. Anyway, there goes my $170. Nope, not a good way to start the day at all.
Guess I'd be dieting over the next week if anyone's looking for me.
Might be some good done anyway.
There's a silver lining in every cloud.
Aug 5, 2009
NDP 2009
So the live streaming was on Sunday and there are tickets to that event. Also, there's a pre-NDP mambo event and there are also tickets for that. It's so funny how all the clubbing tickets were sold out in mere days while there're still a huge bunch of NDP tickets left.
One question
Jul 28, 2009
Designing with Type

Either write, or find a passage of text that is no less than 100 words.
Use your raw text in any manner, repeating the text if you wish to suit your visual exploration and creativity.
Produce 4 versions: Produce 4 x alternative creative layout designs utilising only text.
NOTE: you are required to apply the same text to all of the 4 design solutions. All designs are to be developed as purely black and white - no greyscale.
> Version 1: Use one font only
>Version 2: Use two different weights of the same typeface design.
>Version 3+4: Any font style and weight combinations.
Format 200mm x 200mm
Open to comments.
Jul 23, 2009
Melbourne City Logo Makeover

It seems Melbourne City's getting an upgrade in the form of a new logo.
Or what counts as an upgrade it seems.
$25, 000 spent on a new logo design that looks like something a prep school student could do on MS Paint. The new logo has drawn lots of flak regarding its representation of the city's vibrant and creative vibes. Many commenting that it is merely a "cut-and-paste" design of Federation Square.
Residents of the city of Monash are crying foul too, stating that the new logo is much too similar to theirs - that of a big "M", of which they have been using since 1995, and actually stood for something.
Compare the logos above, the top being the previous logo and the 2nd being the "upgrade". Now, look at the 3rd picture (Federation Square) and tell me you don't agree it's a rip off. Then have a look at the last picture, which is the logo of Monash. Appalled yet?
*Pictures do not enlarge*
You can read more of the article at this link.
Whether or not it is worth the taxpayer's money, you be the judge.
A Look Out My Window
It's so dark and cold it's depressing.
Kinda like Soviet Russia.
Jul 22, 2009
Typography, and a Little Porn
"Type is just like clothes. You have to select them. What suits you might not suit someone else. It is an intricate design. It is woven finely, like a shirt. And it should be smooth and pleasing to the eye."
Gosh I can't wait to get more out of him.
Anyway, caught Avenue Q today!!! Omg was it a blast! The show had me in stitches the entire time! I'm really glad I caught it here since I missed the one in Singapore. The cast, albeit not the original broadway one, were terrific. And they added an Aussie flavour by deviating a little from the script so that we can relate. Like there was a scene where the entire cast poured out into the audience to collect "donations" and when they got back on stage to examine the loot, one of them found a 2 hour metcard that had only 5 minutes left. Definitely recommended!
Oh and Trekkie was awesome. And you know the ad for Avenue Q that said "live puppet sex"?
It's true.
Jul 20, 2009
Assignments assignments assignments, lots!
Whatever happened to the famed first week
Where we can all just go to school and sleep
Well why then this big rude shock
Homework's in and fun is out
No need to worry, they all say
First week's all about laugh and play
For catching up with all your pals
And chatting up those cute new gals
But no, oh no, this cruel joke
Work is assigned as soon as my lecturer spoke
First sem is nothing but a breeze
Your workload's doubled! That's the jist!
Forget the slacking, 3 day week
Time to work your ass off, so to speak
Two new softwares to learn at hand
Looks like I've got new best friends
Adobe Dreamweaver and InDesign
Not very easy, you would find
But nevertheless I shall endeavor
ID and DW can kiss my posterior
To lead, excel and overcome
May be a daunting task to some
But I shall make it out to be
Because Shawn Heng wants his beloved HD
Probably a feeble attempt at poetry but I wanted it to end with a HD. Ha! Screw you if you didn't think that was good! LOL!
Jul 19, 2009
SCSM 2009
Ok now to train. It's gonna be hard training in cold weather then going back to the hot humid messy air in Singapore.
Next up, to register and train for Melbourne Marathon in October. I think its kinda messed up that Adidas is dropped and New Balance is the new sponsor but aww well.. At least the Melbourne Marathon is sponsored by Asics! Yay!! But the sad thing is the registration fee is so high and you have to buy the event tee and running tee. Double aww...
Anyway, school's reopening on Monday. Back to school, back to school. Hope I do better this sem. I really miss Singapore. Heh...
Jul 14, 2009
Studio A: Credit (66)
Studio B: Distinction (74)
Studio C: Distinction (73)
Design & Theory A: Result Withheld
My theory result was withheld due to some complications that involves 11 other students so until the lecturer returns from break, I wouldn't know what went wrong. Oh well. Hoping nothing goes wrong cos I worked really hard on that project.
Anyways, on another note, I've been composing!
Ok maybe not really composing, more of editing if you will.
I've converted "Lemon Tree" into what's now my favourite song, "Yellow Pee"~!
Yellow Pee (Sung to the tune of Lemon Tree)
I'm sitting here in this boring room
Just another rainy Sunday afternoon
I'm spending my time, I've got something to do
I try to get it out but it won't get through
And nothing ever happens, and I wonder
I'm trying to shit in my car
I'm pushing hard hoping I will get far
I'd like to change my point of view
It's so smelly that I'd rather see you
But nothing ever happens, and I wonder
I wonder how, I wonder why
When I'm constipated I cannot Pang Sai
And all that I can see
Is just a stream of yellow pee
I'm turning my ass
Round and round
I'm turning turning turning turning turning around
And all that I can see
Is just a sea of yellow pee
Say Mmmm (forceful like shitting)
I'm sitting here, I have no power
I'm trying so hard I am biting a towel
There's a heavy turd as big as my head
I feel so tired I wanna go to bed
But nothing ever happens, and I wonder
Constipation is not good for me
Constipation, I don't want to keep sitting here and pee
Finally now I'm a happy boy
I crapped out the turd and now I'm filled with joy
After everything that's happened, now you wonder
You wonder how, you wonder why
When I'm constipated I cannot Pang Sai
And all that you can see
Is just a stream of yellow pee
I'm turning my ass
Round and round
I'm turning turning turning turning turning around
And all that you can see
Is just a sea of yellow pee
You wonder wonder
You wonder how, you wonder why
When I'm constipated I cannot Pang Sai
And all that you can see
Is just a stream of yellow pee
I'm turning my ass
Round and round
I'm grinding grinding grinding grinding grinding around
And all that you can see
And all that you can see
And all that I can see
Is just a sea of yellow pee
Jul 10, 2009
Studio A :
Studio B :
(Colourways) Distinction
(Repeat Patterns) Distinction
(Movie Poster) Distinction
Studio C :
(Live Drawing) Distinction
(Metamorphosis Flip Book) Distinction
(3 Conversational Cards) High Distinction
Nervously awaiting the final results. Hopefully I get Distinctions for everything after moderation! Wish me luck!
Jul 1, 2009

This is a milestone centennial post for shawndownunder. It has taken me 6 months to get to a century so I would reckon this blog will contain almost 600 posts by the time I graduate.
Just completed my first foray into website design. Got to admit, it looks freakishly amateurish - akin to something produced in prep school. I've seen better stuff done by some adolescent on their myspace or facebook page. Anyway, I'm not a trained web designer. Got zero knowledge on web design softwares. And yes, I did it entirely on photoshop. Haha!
Kevin's bound to have something to say.
Jun 26, 2009
Michael Jackson dies at the age of 50.
While undoubtedly freaky toward his end, he was the innovator of his time and an excellent entertainer and performer.
MJ has provided our generation with hits such as Thriller, Billie Jean, etc.
Makes you wonder how fragile life can be.
Here one moment, gone the next.
Jun 24, 2009
Be Grateful
Important stuff to note:
But despite his symptoms, Dr Lester said Mr Splatt was not tested for the H1N1 virus until he was transferred to Maroondah Hospital in Melbourne on Friday. She said his test results came back yesterday — three days after he died of respiratory failure.
When asked why this took so long, Dr Lester said the Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory that processes H1N1 tests had been busy.
She then went on to say that "The important thing to remember here is that this man was managed appropriately on his clinical picture. The fact that it was H1N1 swine flu would not have made any difference to his management."
Is this the way hospitals are equipped to deal with the H1N1 virus? Because if it is, I certainly wouldn't want to be in Victoria. The fact that she said "The fact that it was H1N1 swine flu would not have made any difference to his management" seriously put doubts on Australia's medical institutions. Are they not treated separately? Are they treated in the the vicinity as any other patient? How could he NOT be managed differently?
Be grateful of what you have in Singapore, and pray none of us here in Australia gets it.
Start Working
Illustrator and Photoshop ain't gonna learn themselves.
Currently hooked on:
1) The Big Bang Theory
2) Samurai Sentai Shinkenger
3) Friends (seasons 1 - 10, believe it or not)
Jun 21, 2009
The Circumscribicus Connotationus Theorum
"40% Off Everything."
So with that in mind, one would immediately relate it to the fact that everything in the store, regardless of race, language or religion (ok pun very much intended), would be discounted to a 60% rate of the retail price.
One is also subconsciously aware of the fact that business psychology is very prevalent in our modern society, and hence would deduce that if one spots a price tag that is of a significantly different colour and indicating a substantially different price, it would mean that the discount is void of that particular product.
Hence, when I saw a pair of shoes with a white price tag that said $50.00, and an orange tag beneath it that read $30.00, it would be safe to assume that the pair of shoes was retailing at $30.00 and no further discount would be relevant to the product because it has a bright orange sticker taggy thingy to differentiate it from the other white sticker taggy thingies.
Imagine my shock when it was scanned and the salesgirl told me "$18.00".
Has conventional social idiocyncracies led us to associate brightly coloured tags for exceptions? Are we incapable of comprehending things the way they are presented to us? 40% off everything. EVERYTHING!
By the way, I've got a pair of Puma shoes for $18.
Jun 18, 2009
I've been telling myself to update this damn blog for ages, buuuuuut, too lazy. Haha! Ok just so you can catch up with what's happening in my life, I have one month of freedom before semester 2 commences. And in this month, I intend to -
1) Get back in shape.
2) Start T.O.U.G.H training.
3) Read through all my required readings.
4) Finish Angels and Demons.
5) Finish Catch-22. (It's actually the title of a really good book! Didn't know till my lecturer pointed it out. Go have a look!)
6) Master layer/vector masking.
7) Learn Displacement.
8) Brush up on Illustrator.
9) Read up on digital photography fundamentals.
10) Find a better place to stay and move out of this shit hole.
Australia defeated Japan 2-1 yesterday. Just as well I gave it a miss. Didn't want Australia to win anyway. Haha! Tim Cahill scored both goals in case you're wondering.
It is seriously FREAKING COLD now! And it's not even winter... I need a winter jacket soon.
Oh interesting note (for Miguel), there's a shop selling Onitsuka Tigers for AUD$50! And they change designs like every week! It's my new favourite shop man.
Everybody's going home... I miss home. Awwwwwwwwwww.
Jun 9, 2009
I Love Japan
Was going to go to the World Cup qualifiers in the Japanese national jersey, but... it looks like crap. Aww..... Well we'll see what I can find.
Jun 8, 2009
F.R.E.E = Finally Really Extra Eng ('eng' means free for those who don't understand)
This is a miracle. Uncharted territory. History is in the making. Shawn has completed his work an amazing 2 days before submission! A giant leap for mankind!
Oh well. Nothing to do now except enjoy the Queen's birthday. Never knew Australia has a Queen though... Weird.
Looking forward to watching Japan vs Australia World Cup Qualifier LIVE from MCG!
And yeah, of course I support...
Jun 2, 2009
Movie Poster
Of Movie Posters and Conversational Cards

Ok seriously, you know how long I've been working on this damned movie poster. Since donkey weeks ago I've been posting roughs. Aww well. I think I'm finally settling for this set. Don't care. Apart from refining, I'm not touching them anymore. Oh yeah if the main title page looks weird to you, it's because I haven't touched up the face. But bitch about that on my tag board if you want. I'm always open to criticism. =)
Conversation cards. Yup, I said I was going to post them, so here they are. I know, the protagonist barely looks like Dion, but hey, I tried. LOL!
Today's Adelene's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Melbourne to Perth!
In other news, today is also challenge day. Which means I'm completing my challenge today and starting on 3.0.
Shawn Heng on overdrive. (Yeah right)
Jun 1, 2009
Awww man.. I'm itching to run but it's freezing. 8 deg isn't exactly the nicest of weathers to take a jog in. And when they say you pile on the calories during winter, they weren't kidding. The colder it gets, the more you eat. Ooooo.. remember the Shawn from 4SAB? LOL! But seriously, no way I'm going back to that!
8 days and counting to submission. I've just finished my 3 cards, with Dion as my subject. Haha. I'll post that up soon(ish). Flip book is hell. I'm still halfway through most stuff. Better get cracking on them pronto.
List of things to do.
1) Studio A - Project 3.0 Photo imagery
2) Studio B - 3 conversational cards + metamorphoses flip book
3) Studio C - Movie Poster splash page, sypnopsis page, genre page, rationale page, screenshots page.
4) Design Theory - Challenge: designing a pair of shoes
Ok time's ticking check this space soon I'll definitely find some time to bitch/comment about work.
May 27, 2009
Manchester United vs Barcelona FC
Still remember watching last year's final in a comfy hotel room in Koh Samui.
Man U beat Chelsea!! OMGOMGOMG!
And now, Mmy moolah's on Man U to kick Barca's Spanish ass!
Manchester United will remain champions of Europe!
TOUGH's got a new meaning
Oh well, it's submission in 2 weeks so I guess I'm going to be updating sporadically for now.
On a lighter Shawn related note, Yang and I plan to start garang training regime after his exams!
Yang's gearing up for his Ironman in Langkawi next year and me, Melbourne marathon in Oct as well as Standard Chartered in Dec.
Train train train!!!
We've came up with a name, rather spastic, but a name nonetheless.
Team Of Ultra Garang Humans
Haha yeah, retarded. But then again, we're quite serious about tough training. I want my six pack! LOL!
Insane people welcome to join. Sign up now! I guarantee better results than Fitness First or whatever crap gym that's sucking your money.
May 22, 2009
Movie Poster continued


Hey there! Thanks for all the comments. The previous one was a working progress, so thanks for all the constructive criticism!
I've uploaded the few new ones, hopefully they look more decent. By the way one of the criteria of this project is that I have to include myself in the poster. Hence it is not some bad case of self idolization. Oh and I have to minimise the use of black and white, therefore a lot of really light tints and really dark shades are used. If you see them as black or white on your computer screen, you're probably using a PC. HAHAHAHA!!
The title has been changed to "Catch-22", which is a slang for "dilemma". My caption is "fight for honour, fight for your life", from the song M.I.A by Avenged Sevenfold. I want that song as the soundtrack man!
5 projects due in June! Chiong ah!!!
May 18, 2009
Movie Poster 2.0

Been busy the past week, 5 projects due in June and not too much time to get them done. And I intend to break the HD barrier! Haha!
Ok I've scrapped the crime movie poster cos I don't think it'll work out and it doesn't make for much of a story. I mean... how much can a guy with a camera do? And it doesn't help that I have to be in the poster.
Have decided to concentrate on 'war' instead. I've tonnes of stock photos of me in the army, and story's shouldn't be that hard to fabricate.
I've done up a draft, hopefully not too shabby looking. Ok pardon the cheesy movie title, I've got to place a title somewhere to get the feel. LOL! Comments please people, as usual. And oh, if you have any interesting title suggestions, do include them as well!
Hmm.. maybe some fighter planes in the background? Oh well, I'll work something out.
May 11, 2009
Supermassive Ego Boost
Studio B Drawing and Illustration : Distinction
Studio A Tattoo : Distinction
That's 2 Distinctions in a day!!!
I'm currently treading on cloud 9.
Next stop, HD!
May 9, 2009
Movie Poster in The Making

Ok this is nowhere near complete, just playing around with possibilities. Anyways remember the pattern project? Yeah I'm supposed to incorporate the pattern here, so I've selected crime for my movie theme. This poster draws influence from The Godfather, Goodfellas, and Scarface. I haven't put the pattern in but I don't really know how a movie poster should be like so input is much appreciated here.
I'm just so interested in MMA and Brazillian Jiu Jutsu.
Yeah yeah, whatever. I think its really useful someday anyway!
Oh and I just saw the gogoplata move on youtube, as well as an alternate gogoplata if the initial one is blocked. Awesome.
Video link: Gogoplata
Video link: Wicked Gogoplata
Murphy's Law of Bullshit
Murphy's law is an adage in Western culture that broadly states: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong."
I never had a slice of bread,
Particularly large and wide,
That did not fall upon the floor,
And always on the buttered side.
Well, I do suppose that, or something of that equivalent, has happened to the best of us. We do often find ourselves in the queerest and tightest of situations. And just when things appear to not get any worse, it one ups itself.
But let's take a step back and look at things from a fresh perspective. Why does toast always land butter side down? Why? The answer lies, my dear friends, in ergonomics.
It was centuries ago that Vitruvius created the perfect man - one of perfect proportion. It was named the Vitruvian Man. (Seriously, go google it if you're lost. You've definitely seen this one.) Also discovered was the Golden Ratio. The proportion that is exceptionally pleasing to the eye. It is of this precise blend of Mathematics and Art that many an artist or architect have based their work on hencewith, but I digress.
Much of this is in relation to the kind of furniture, infrastructure of modern day. You see, without these, we would not have a sense of proportion, and ergonomics would not have come to be. It is this precise pursuit of ergonomics that answers the very question, "why does toast always land butter side down".
Ergonomics is the study of human capabilities in relation to their work demands. Hence, a typically ergonomic dinner table, of a height of say, 1200mm, is optimal to a person of average height sitting down to a good meal. Now this is where physics come into play. When a piece of toast is dropped from a height of 1200mm, a combination of Earth's gravitational force, as well as the piece of toast's stored kinetic energy, causes it to flip 180 degrees and land - butter side down. Had the table been twice the height, it would land, butter side up.
My point being, we are in control of these situations. We are not submissive to Murphy's law. We are the driving force of our lives, and Murphy's law is a weak and feeble attempt by someone who needs something to blame for his/her incompetance.
Let us not blame others for our shortcomings or misfortunes. I say take up ownership. Things happen for a reason. How you deal with it defines the kind of person you are.
Murphy's law? Bullshit.
May 6, 2009
Death As It Comes
In it, I was tied to a burning stake, slowly being snuffed to death.
And I remember asking myself, am I ready to die?
Have I accomplished everything I could, what is left that I have not done?
Could I have done anything better?
How will I be remembered?
Do the people I love know how much they are loved?
Have I been the best person I have been?
I remember...
At the end of the dream, right before I woke up.
I said to myself.
Take me lord.
May 4, 2009
Sometimes I wonder... if it is obsessive compulsive behaviour.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Why are you so very far?
Up above the world so high
Where we mere mortals watch and sigh
Twinkle twinkle little star
I can see you from my car
You shine above, so bright and gay
The transient light of night from day
Twinkle twinkle little star
I wish to keep you in a jar
That you may keep me safe and sound
So I will smile instead of frown
Twinkle twinkle little star
I love how mysterious you are
I may never know you well
But in my heart you'll always dwell
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are...
Apr 30, 2009
Melbourne Records Coldest April Morning for 56 Years
Melbourne has recorded its chilliest April morning for 56 years.
The celsius in the city plunged to 2.9 degrees at 6.35am, a brisk wake-up call for Melburnians trying to rouse themselves for work.
The cold snap tested records across the city, with some suburbs dropping below freezing, Weather Company meteorologist Brett Dutschke said.
Mr Dutschke said most areas recorded their coldest April morning for decades, with some as much as 10 degrees below the monthly average.
Mount Hotham was the coldest plummeting to minus eight dgrees, 11 degreees below the average and the lowest April temperature ever recorded in Victoria, according to the Bureau of Meterology.
The aptly named Coldstream recorded the greater Melbourne area's lowest temperature, with a frosty -2.7 degrees at 6:30am.
Many other suburbs recorded temperatures of less than 1 degree, with Scoresby managing only 0.3 degrees and Essendon 0.6 degrees.
Over in Melbourne's south-west, Laverton reached 0.4 - its lowest April temperature for 66 years - while Tullamarine struggled to just over a degree.
Mr Dutschke said tomorrow morning would not be as cold due to increasing cloud and a bit more wind, while frosts would only hit east of Melbourne.
The Bureau of Meterology said another cold front was expected to hit the city by mid to late morning tomorrow and said odds were increasing for a wetter than normal winter.
A Bureau of Meterology spokeswoman said Victoria's chilly morning temperatures had been due to a band of cold polar air combined with a high pressure ridge.
She said Melburnians had experienced four consecutive days in a row below 15 degrees for the firs time since 1963.
She said tomorrow's cold front would push west into Victoria this evening and reach Melbourne tomorrow morning bringing isolated showers with it.
Revenge of the Right Brain
Here's an interesting read handed out by my lecturer during tutorial today. Its all about left brain (normal people) vs right brain (artsy people). I think it made sense. Anyhow, you be the judge of that.
Logical and Precise, left-brain thinking gave us the Information Age. Now comes the Conceptual Age - ruled by artistry, empathy, and emotion.
When I was a kid - growing up in a middle-class family, parents dished out a familiar plate of advice to their children: Get good grades, go to college, and pursue a profession that offers a decent standard of living and perhaps a dollop of prestige.
Tax attorneys, radiologists, financial analysts, software engineers - people who get paid for putting to work what one learns in school rather than for their physical strength or mental skill - were distinguished and enabled to reap society's greatest rewards due to their "ability to acquire and to apply theoretical and analytic knowledge." And any of us could join their ranks. All we had to do was study hard and play by the rules of the meritocratic regime. That was the path to professional success and personal fulfillment.
The world is changing. The future no longer belongs to people who can reason with computer-like logic, speed, and precision. it belongs to a different kind of person with a different kind of mind.
Scientists have long known that a neurological Mason-Dixon line cleaves our brains into two regions - the left and right hemispheres. But in the last 10 years, thanks in part to advances in functional magnetic resonance imaging, researchers have begun to identify more precisely how the two sides divide responsibilities. The left hemisphere handles sequence, literalness, and analysis. The right hemisphere, meanwhile, takes care of context, emotional expression, and synthesis.
Until recently, the abilities that led to success in school, work, and business were characteristic of the left hemisphere. They were the sorts of linear, logical, analytical talents measured by SATs and deployed by CPAs. Today,those capabilities are still necessary. But they are no longer sufficient. In a world upended by outsourcing, deluged with data, and choked with choices, the abilities that matter most are now closer in spirit to the specialities of the right hemisphere - artistry, empathy, seeing the big picture, and pursuing the transcendent.
Beneath the nervous clatter of half-completed decade stirs a slow but seismic shift. The Information Age we all prepared for is ending. Rising in its place is the Conceptual Age, an era in which mastery of abilities that we've often overlooked and undervalued marks the fault line between who gets ahead and who falls behind.
A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age
Daniel H. Pink
*When the cold wind blows... I wanna go home.