Nov 30, 2009

Official Semester 2 Results

Woke up specially at 6am (9am Melbourne time) to check on my results, and I've got to say, a slight bit disappointing.

Design Theory B – PA (52)
Studio D – DI (72)
Studio E – DI (77)
Studio F – DI (78)

How did the pass happen? Damn... what a damper.

Nov 28, 2009

Reaping the Rewards

A brand new DSLR – a Nikon D90 now belongs to me. Yes, it was quite a pinch in the pocket. But, a pinch well spent I reckon.

Another piece of good news. My folio results are in!
Big thanks to Adam for collecting my folios for me.

Studio D: DI
Studio D R&A Journal: DI
Studio D Folio: DI
Studio E: HD
Studio E Folio: HD
Studio F: HD

Can confidently apply for a job now. =)
Anxiously awaiting the final results on Nov 30th.

Living it up in Singapore. Can't wait to meet Ellis again!

Nov 21, 2009

It's Good To Be Back!

The familiar surroundings, the humidity, my own bed, TV, refrigerator, kitchen etc. The feeling's just awesome. To walk through the gates and see you family and friends waiting upon your arrival. Thanks to Kevin and Minw for making the time and coming to the airport. Sincere apologies for Qantas' delay. Wait... why am I apologizing for that lousy carrier? Ok truth be told, Qantas isn't that bad, only Singapore Airlines is better! Lol!

Yet to taste any local food, but got the opportunity this morning so I'm not going to waste it!

By the way, blogged this post on high speed unlimited broadband! The speed and ease is so invigorating!

Nov 20, 2009


Got this article from Yahoo! news this morning.

Pope and John Wagner were hauled away by police and charged with theft for not paying the mandatory 18 percent gratuity totaling $16 after eating at the Lehigh Pub in Bethlehem, Pa. with six friends.

Pope claimed that they had to wait nearly an hour for their order and that she had to get napkins and silverware for the table herself.

“At this point I became very annoyed because I had already gone up to the bar myself to have my soda refilled because the waitress never came back,” Pope said.

After the $73 bill came, the group paid for food, drinks, and tax but refused to pay the tip. After explaining the bad service to the bartender in charge, Pope claimed he took their money and called police. The couple was handcuffed and placed in the back of a police car.

“I understand that, you know, we didn’t pay the gratuity, but it was a gratuity, it wasn’t something that was required,” said Wagner.

Police charged them with theft since the gratuity was part of the actual bill. However, it is doubtful that the charges will hold up in front of a judge. The couple is scheduled to appear in court next month.

Firstly, how did gratituity become part of the actual bill? Isn't it something you give out of gratitute? The word alone implies that it is not mandatory.

Gratitude – the quality of being thankful

Isn't it just ridiculous to impose gratitude? You must be grateful that I have served you, because without me the food would never have gotten to you. Hello? Isn't that part of your job description in the first place? Furthermore, by imposing gratituity charges as part of the bill, wouldn't it dampen the quality of service? It gives the staff assurance that the tip is "in the bag", why bother then? I'm going to get an 18% tip regardless so lets have some fun now shall we?

Good luck bringing the case to court I say. As for the bartender who called the cops on the couple, grow some brains.

Couple Busted for Refusing to Pay Tip

Singapore in 24 Hours

The time has finally come to leave Melbourne and go back to Singapore. In 24 hours, I'd be eating chicken rice and sipping teh tarik in some obscure coffeeshop on the fringes of local suburbia.

Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon – 06 Dec 09
MacRitchie Runners 25 Ultra Marathon – 27 Dec 09
Run For the Kids – 14 Mar 10
Mind Alpine Challenge – 22 Mar 09

Packed garang schedule ahead. Life's good.

Nov 18, 2009

The End Is Near

It is officially 2 days left on the countdown to Singapore. Lots have been going on this past week, Ellis is back in Singapore and I'm still here. With just a couple of days left, God has gone and played a cruel prank on me, slowing time down to a crawl. I'm forced to occupy myself in a manner so exhaustive it is hardly comprehensible. Waking up to a morning run is a good start. The day passes ever so slowly, and it certainly doesn't help that the Sun rises at 5am and sets at 8pm.

Oh well. It's Wednesday. That's 48 hours. I'm going home! God's been good to me this year, as did everyone I've encountered during my stay in Melbourne. And now, it's time to go back home. My home. Remembered the pledge we recited on my commissioning parade – "I dedicate my life to Singapore". Sure, we laughed at it then. Little did we know how much that small island meant to us when it's taken away. I've made new friends and acquaintances over the past 8 months, but Singapore is definitely where I want to be.

Home. Family. Friends. Heart.

Nov 10, 2009


For those of you following my brother's photoblog, he has moved (yet again).

Tumblr seems to be his site of choice. Well, blogger isn't doing such a good job retaining members anyway. It's a bitch to use and quite frankly, I would move too once I've got my camera. =)

I've updated the link so you can catch his juicy pictures from his Nikon D90 and his myriad of lenses HERE, or the link on the right div.

Oh Jia Wei's organising a food tour once we're all back in Singapore. FOOOOOOOD!

Countdown to Singapore: (still) 10 days

Spark of Insanity : Down Under

Jeff Dunham's Spark of Insanity came to Melbourne's Hamer Hall today and boy did it kick ass! The man's talent to interact and react to the audience is just stunning to watch live. For those who caught Jeff's "A Very Special Christmas" show, remember guitar guy? Yeah guitar guy was awesome! And here's a little known fact – guitar guy (aka Brian Haner) is actually the father of Brian Elwin Haner, Jr. For the less informed, that's the lead guitarist Synyster Gates of Avenged Sevenfold. He was literally a sight to behold. Talented, talented guy.

Oh and Achmed was FREAKING FUNNY!!! (as usual)

Countdown to Singapore: 10 days!!!

Nov 4, 2009

The Forgotten Grade

Remember in Semester 1 where I had a result that was withheld? Well, checked back again today to find that they have finally updated my academic history so here's my COMPLETE results for Semester 1.

Studio A - Credit (65)
Studio B - Distinction (74)
Studio C - Distinction (73)
Design Theory A - Distinction (72)

Not too shabby. Now gingerly awaiting my results for Semester 2 which will be out on December 1st. Hopefully there'll be more DIs waiting. LOL!

On a totally different note, Hulk Hogan has joined TNA and apparently given "promoter" rights. Hogan claims he is in it to help younger talent and to boost TNA's ratings and the product in general.

Two things about Hogan.
One - He is way too old, he's in it for the money. Step aside, you have nothing left to proof. More importantly, you have nothing left to give.
Two - You can't wrestle for nuts! Don't destroy TNA, a legitimate organisation that will give the WWE a run for their money, and destroy it like you did WCW with Eric Bischoff. Back down Hogan, the wrestling world needs to remember you as a legend in your time, not someone who comes in and brings two huge organisations down.

Countdown to Singapore : 15 days