Nov 30, 2009

Official Semester 2 Results

Woke up specially at 6am (9am Melbourne time) to check on my results, and I've got to say, a slight bit disappointing.

Design Theory B – PA (52)
Studio D – DI (72)
Studio E – DI (77)
Studio F – DI (78)

How did the pass happen? Damn... what a damper.


  1. Maybe they've made a mistake. Like key in the results under the wrong name. Its possible. It happened to me. email them and ask them how they get that? when you have 3 HDs and 3 Dist. *hughug* dont be sad~~~

  2. nah doubt so, its theory... dont know how they calculate the marks either. aww well... lol.

  3. :( all Ds and no HD. :( no way. YOU ARE MY HD BOY!!! :(
