It seems that Australia really has a binging culture.
And international students are not immune to it.
It's one thing if you can hold your liquor, another if you don't have a good gauge of where your threshold is.
Penny got really smashed yesterday... from... wine?
Haha I can't figure that out myself.
That's why when in doubt, always opt for the safest drink like me!
Iced Mocha!!
Played touch at Princes (no this is the actual correct spelling) Park yesterday.
Quad was still sore from the Wednesday game with the Aussies.
Couldn't do much. And for some reason, perhaps my bright red shirt, everybody was on me.
Anyway, I did succeed in busting my quad again.
Think it is worse than Wednesday.
Lesson learnt. Don't play touch with a busted quad.
School's starting tomorrow!
Finally, after an excruciating 3 weeks.
I can't wait to start with the photography club as well.
Fun days ahead.
Will be heading down to the internation student's festival later with Josh and Jia Wei.
Hopefully we'll meet lots of people.
I've got my camera ready.
That means more photos coming up on facebook.
By the way, I've finally completed my shoot on Royal Botanic Gardens.
Photos are on facebook. Check out the lush greenery and BIRDS there.
Also, pictures of Crown, Southbank, Yarra River, people in their daily activities etc.
And I managed to get a few shots of Swanston Street at 2am.
Damn shiok stand in the middle of the road and take only.
So check out Snapshots 004!
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