Mar 5, 2009

What's Going On?

It's amazing how out of touch with the world you can get when you're deprived of TV.
I have absolutely no idea what's going on now.
Got to miss the times where I just hop onto my couch and flip the remote to Discovery, CNN, Star Sports, and even Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon.
Seriously, Singapore could be hit by a hurricane and I wouldn't know.
Ok maybe I would, cos there're way too many Singaporeans here.
But yeah, the analogy kinda highlighted the gravity of the situation.

Didn't check out the news till YK told me to look up CNA.
NTU student stabs lecturer and then commits suicide.
Now that's scary shit happening in Singapore.
Is anywhere in the world safe anymore?
It's understandable that he might have problems coping with stress and workload, but seriously, how does stabbing your lecturer help?
It certainly won't give you extra credit!
Neither will it put you on the Dean's list.

I feel it was a bloody waste of life.
He was an international student, like me.
He paid to go abroad to study.
He should make the most out of it.
While it didn't help that he stabbed someone, ending his life just made him a coward.
What a dumbass.

Would that make people sorry for you? Doubt it.

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