Mar 20, 2009

What Do You See

Ok I need opinions on this.
I have a project brief that requires me to play with shapes and colour to represent an emotion.
I've come up with the shape, but I need opinions on what it means to you.
Remember people, emotions.
So far I've got CONFUSION from Dion and Yang.
More please!
I have a deadline and I need to add colours!


  1. without looking at the pencil sketch, the black ink outlined version looks like a person is trying to formulate something ( the small circles = ideas popping up, bubbling ), while the edges, not all are pointy ( pointy; pointy = contridicting ), some merges with squares ( suggests that the ideas got stuck. ) instead of forming a huge bubble ( huge bubble: a complete thought), the blunt edges and circles may suggest someone is trying to straighten one's thoughts. Not only is he confuse because there are so many bubbles, but trying very hard too as the train of thoughts hit the wall ( blocks ). breaking out of something and he's persisting. can u eh, be creative and add a thread to the shape?

    colours, i think blunt edges can use brown. its not grey or black or white, ( kinda conventional ) but its brown. block = blunt = brown. rhymes too. HAHAH. brown and something else k. you think abt it.

    - lis

  2. but if u look again without reference to the first pencil sketch ah, it looks like some wheels/gear ( whatever you call that thing ). like the back of a watch ( think u get it by now )representing some kinda mechanism. so you can say its a scientist brain. lols. doesnt have to be confusion. can be simply trying to form some kinda logic admist an organised chaos.

    or, if u use fun colours, they can be just child's mind, with many shapes overlapping, cute, "tangling" thoughts. lols.

    aiyah very hard to tell i keep seeing the pencil sketch.

    colour must be solid fill? if its dream/confusion, can try water colour. i thought colourful solid fill maybe too conventional. but if u want it to represent a scientist or a child mind, then go ahead. Think of Ikea colour combi. (: make it very bright and striking. its like a living creative mind. (:

    if its emo, then water colour will be cool with all the edges. its like a contrast. its like the thoughts are all scatter like different colours slowly merging/ mixed together, then theres this idiot trying to outline those intertwining thoughts, trying to form a solid shape. (must use one single colour, preferably black ink , to outline it. )



    Confusion – agitation, blurring, cluttering, commotion, disarranging, perplexing, puzzlement.

    The three primary shapes have been chosen in the creation of the shape due to the significance each lends to and supports the emotion “Confusion”.
    Circle – wholeness, perfection
    Rectangle/Square – order, logic, containment
    Triangle – balance

    These attributes contribute to the antonym of Confusion. They represent a calm, collected mind, as well as suggest clarity, order, organization, orientation, and sense.

    In order to create Confusion, the representations of order have been altered, distorted and fused.
    Such illustrates the shift from an orderly whole to an erratic blur.
    It reflects the notion of one not being able to grasp a situation as a whole, but rather, catching only bits of information. It “doesn’t make sense”, pieces don’t fit, and is a misguided solution one forms in a state of Confusion as opposed to the definite fact of reality.

    Clarity to Confusion is a solid, identifiable shape to a mutated one. Hence, my solution has been skewered into alternate tangents at various points from the main “body” signifying the “not clear”, where people generally draw various conclusions to something they are confused about.

    My choice of fill colour is in direct relation to clarity and Confusion. White being clear and black, unclear. The mixture of these two colours also amounts to a colour associated with Confusion – the grey area, which is an undefined situation or subject that does not seem to conform to known categories or rules.

  4. I shall post the completed jpeg on the main blog.
