First and foremost,
Greetings from sunny Melbourne!
It's been a hectic day with lots settling in to do. And I have one hell of a story too.
Hey that rhymes.
Now, contrary to what the newspaper would have you believe, the heat wave is over.
Thank God!
BUT, it is now freezing here. 12 degrees upon my arrival at Melbourne International Airport.
Thank goodness for the lovely (and thick) Puma jacket from my fellow display artists. Honestly, my parents were freezing their butts off.
Managed to check into my apartment by 1pm.
Lovely room number, combination of my birth month and favourite number.
So I'm anticipating going in and finally getting some shut-eye right? Cos you just can't sleep on the plane, especially if you fly economy. I unlock the door and the first thing I see is clothes hanging on the wardrobe. So I'm going "weird..." and push the door open further... this girl gets stunned out of her sleep. Yes, there was a girl in my room. And no, it isn't good. My lease was from 3rd of Feb and there's still a tenant in my room? Anyways, I'm now in my temporary room, cos the girl has to move out. And for those curious bastards, she was asian and yeah, she was pretty cute (sleepy look). Ha!
The city's really busy during the day, but really really dead past 8pm. I got back to the apartment at 9:30pm and slept by 10:30pm. It's really boring without the internet. And applying for internet here requires you to have an Aussie mobile number, which takes 24 hrs to activate. So yeah, I'm only updating now (thats 6:30am Wed Melbourne time) because I just set this internet thing up.
Lots of asians here, they seem to blend in seamlessly into the urban fabric of Melbourne. I have yet to go exploring. Shall do that today with my camera, and hopefully upload tonnes of shots tonight ok?
Thanks to Kevin, Yew Kwang, Ting Ann, Hermann and Rui Song for sending me off, as well as Jeffery who rushed down after a meeting but missed me. Love you guys. =)
Also, love goes out to all the well wishes sent by my friends and family. Wouldn't be here without the support from you guys.
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