Feb 18, 2009

Melbourne City Is Really Small

The hassle of getting a Student Card.
Enrolment wasn't that much of an excitement. Pretty mundane in fact.

This is definitely going to interest some people, especially the guys.
Out of my entire cohort (well, at least those enrolling today), I made the effort to count the number of guys.
Wait, wait.
Before you throw any accusations about me being gay, hear me out.
See my interest in the number of guys is very important and it contributes to the amount of happiness I'll have here in my 3 years.
Ok, so I'm checking out the guys.
I'm the only Singaporean guy, I think there's 1 Hongkie, 1 PRC, 1 Indian, and another 2 asians.
Thats all.


It means the rest of them are females!
Did I hit jackpot or what!?
6 guys surrounded by females. Hmm, I can get used to that.

Oh yeah, the funny thing was, there was nary a caucasian in sight!
What, ang mohs don't like to do design?
Looks like I'm going to be spending my time with alot of asians.
Oh and I realised that PRCs ain't just dominating Singapore, they're all over here as well!
Like, 50% of my class?
Then we have the Koreans, Indonesians, what-have yous...
Singaporeans are a minority.

Melbourne City is a funny place.
It seems huge at first glance, but subsequently, familiar faces start popping up everywhere.
I've been grocery shopping and bumped into Joshua and Johnson.
I met up with Joshua today (since we've nothing better to do till school starts in March) to take a walk around town. Ended up in Crown Casino.
Oh if any of you ever come over, you got to visit Crown Casino.
The ambiance is marvelous and you can watch people throw their life savings away.
Haha seriously. This guy at the black jack table, losing big time. But still going.
Shawn (See Tho) called and said he was in town and asked to meet up, so yeah, another new friend today cos he brought Wei Yang (whom I already met) and his housemate Icha. Then Shawn's friend called and said he was in town, so we met them up too.
2 more new faces.
Clarence (I think) and Carmen.
So we all merrily had dinner together.

On the way back home, bumped into Yang.
Like I said, Melbourne City is a really really small place.
I look forward to living in this really really small place.
At least for now.

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