Surprise surprise, I think I actually managed to squeeze my stuff all into one luggage bag.
Quite a feat huh?
Among the things I (recently) rediscovered while packing my stuff are some with lotsa memories.
Well, I really should be using my time more wisely and finalizing my stuff but...
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. So I'm mimicking the Australian culture and doing this instead!
My Top Ten List of stuff to bring to Australia!
(Memorable stuff, not necessarily having any practical value)
10) Rubik's Cube
Reminds me of my army days and all the army personnel I psycho-ed into loving and playing it.
Plus, it's a time killer.
9) Birthday photobook
Meticulously made by Lynn, goes on my study table.
8) Book (of a certain adult content)
Given me by my fellow display artists at BHG. Apparently I'm going to seek knowledge from it... ALOT. Thanks to Ashley and Siti.
7) Ipod Classic
Holds all my songs to miss home by. And reminisce the times at BHG when I blast my emo nemo songs in public. Memories of Ace, Jonathan, Lipmen, Ashley, Hermann and Siti.
6) Posters
Framed pictures taken during my army days. Direct from the walls of my bunk, and subsequently my room. Will now be placed in my NEW room. Lots of fun with these guys, lots of fun. Printing and laminating in S3 branch with Willy. Breaking into each others' rooms. Samuel as well... what a blast.
5) Runner Tags
My ARR tag and Standard Chartered tag goes with me to remind me I wasn't always a fatass and can run when required! All the YSLs who gave their all running to catch up only to have the regulars lose the lead. My batch of 65/06 officers who (unfortunately) ran twice. My brother and Kevin, who ran the 42km with me.
4) HKU notebook
I just found it again. To think of all the trouble spent just to get it to me is enough to keep me thinking of home.
3) River Island wallet / Nike Hammer watch
My parting gift from my 2 best friends / birthday present from Dion.
2) Nike Dunks
My memory of fun in Thailand with my favourite army buddies.
1) A.R.S.E photoframe
Hand made, magnificently crafted, environmental friendly photoframe from Dion. Will remind me during good times and bad that the Singapore Education System rejected me, and I have to do my best to jack them back.
I'm going to miss everyone.
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