Skipped orientation in the morning cos it didn't seem to make much sense to go down for 45 mins.
Went grocery shopping though!
I got a new kettle. Hot water in my room. Woohoo!
Met up with Sharain from SP Rugby.
He brought me for a game of touch with his club mates.
I think Aussies were born to play rugby.
Their hands are so quick.
Their forwards playmake.
Their backs burn you like it is out of style.
Had a game of touch with them and I'm reduced to standing at the wings, waiting for a pass.
Blew out my quad in the process too.
They just run circles around you.
The bunch Sharain brought me to meet was pretty cool.
Working adults who enjoys a game of touch after work.
I can remember a few names, some of them I didn't get their names at all.
Ben, Tommy, Marco, Brant, Michael...
But it was fun getting my ass kicked by them.
Totally illustrated the gulf of standards between Singapore and Australia.
Last night was the last night that night market was on.
Should have went there before, since it was only on every wednesday.
The food offered is crazy!
Lots of good good food, spoilt for choice really.
And they had stuff like crocodile and emu meat.
Oh yeah we met Leonard too.
He's down at Swinburne studying IT.
Adjourned to Cho Gao for some drinks cos it was Chris's last night here.
Then later to Winnie's place cos Cho Gao closes really really early at 11pm.
She stays in an apartment 5 times bigger than my room and she's paying less!
I swear I'm gonna move into that apartment building.
Feb 26, 2009
Feb 24, 2009
When We Were Young
When we were young,
We were carefree.
With little care for the world,
Or what it would turn out to be.
Live without responsibilities,
Live without rules.
Behaved like a jerk,
Partied like a fool.
The best friends we have,
The memories we retain.
Cos when we were young,
It just wasn't the same.
We were carefree.
With little care for the world,
Or what it would turn out to be.
Live without responsibilities,
Live without rules.
Behaved like a jerk,
Partied like a fool.
The best friends we have,
The memories we retain.
Cos when we were young,
It just wasn't the same.
Feb 23, 2009
New People
Meeting new people at a really alarming rate.
I'm no good at this.
I seldom make a good first impression.
Haha. But just their luck to be acquainted to me now.
Finally got to touch a rugby ball in Aussie.
Touch was really good.
Feeling dusty, but felt really really good running and exploiting gaps.
We had like 20 people turning up, and many meeting for the first time.
So, list of new people I've met in chronological order.
1. Ken - Australia (restaurant)
2. Ryoko - Japan (bar)
3. Sean - Singapore (touch)
4. Paul - Singapore (touch)
5. Alister - Singapore (touch)
6. Dan - Thailand (touch)
7. quite a few others but I can't remember their names.
8. Penny - Malaysia (dinner)
9. Grace - USA (dinner)
10. Jessica - USA (Grace's friend)
11. Mel - Singapore (through Miguel)
And no, before you go like "ohhh, ang moh chicks!"
I've yet to know any pure Australian or Caucasian for that matter.
Ken is Australian, but he's chinese.
Grace is Korean American.
Jessica is Chinese American.
So yeah, I'm still very deeply involved in Asian culture.
But yeah, it's fun.
Hoping to meet more new people during orientation.
Aching really badly from touch...
Not a good idea to exert too much after not touching a ball for over a year.
I'm no good at this.
I seldom make a good first impression.
Haha. But just their luck to be acquainted to me now.
Finally got to touch a rugby ball in Aussie.
Touch was really good.
Feeling dusty, but felt really really good running and exploiting gaps.
We had like 20 people turning up, and many meeting for the first time.
So, list of new people I've met in chronological order.
1. Ken - Australia (restaurant)
2. Ryoko - Japan (bar)
3. Sean - Singapore (touch)
4. Paul - Singapore (touch)
5. Alister - Singapore (touch)
6. Dan - Thailand (touch)
7. quite a few others but I can't remember their names.
8. Penny - Malaysia (dinner)
9. Grace - USA (dinner)
10. Jessica - USA (Grace's friend)
11. Mel - Singapore (through Miguel)
And no, before you go like "ohhh, ang moh chicks!"
I've yet to know any pure Australian or Caucasian for that matter.
Ken is Australian, but he's chinese.
Grace is Korean American.
Jessica is Chinese American.
So yeah, I'm still very deeply involved in Asian culture.
But yeah, it's fun.
Hoping to meet more new people during orientation.
Aching really badly from touch...
Not a good idea to exert too much after not touching a ball for over a year.
Feb 21, 2009
Snapshots 003
Feb 20, 2009
Feb 19, 2009
Dion posted this on facebook, but I'm not going to do it there. Haha!
001. Real name → Shawn Heng
002. Nickname(s)→ SWVB, Snoopy, Fat Boy
004. Zodiac sign → Libra
005. Male or female → Male
006. Elementary → Holy Innocents' Primary
007. Middle School → Holy Innocents' Middle (if there's such a thing)
008. High School → Serangoon Sec
010. Hair color → Brown with blond highlights
011. Long or short → Mid length
012. Loud or Quiet → Quiet
013. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
014. Phone or Camera → Phone
015. Health freak → Not exactly, more of a weight freak
016. Drink or Smoke? → Neither
017. Do you have a crush on someone?→ Not right now
018. Eat or Drink → Both
019. Piercings → Left ear
020. Tattoos → None
023. First piercing → 14 Nov 2008
026. First crush → A girl in primary school
027. First pet → A goldfish?
030. First big birthday → Primary 6 I think
049. Eating → Nothing
050. Drinking → Nothing
052. I'm about to → Head out for a pancake breakfast!
053. Listening to → The howl of the Melbourne wind
054. Plans for today → Eat pancakes, take photos, run
055. Waiting for → School to start!!!
058. Want kids? → Yes
059. Want to get married? → Yes
060. Careers in mind → Design related
068. Lips or eyes → Eyes
070. Shorter or taller? → Shorter than ME
072. Romantic or spontaneous → Spontaneous
073. Nice stomach or nice arms → Both! One can't do without the other.
074. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
075. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
076. Trouble maker or hesitant → Neither
080. Lost glasses/contacts → Never needed them.
081. Ran away from home → Haha yeah countless times. Like Dion, run away then run back. Sometimes 3km, sometimes 5km.
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense → No
083. Killed somebody → No
084. Broken someone's heart → Not that I know of.
087. Cried when someone died → This might make me sound like a heartless bastard, but no.
089. Yourself → Yes
090. Miracles → Yes
091. Love at first sight → Lesser over the years
092. Heaven → Yes
093. Santa Claus → No
094. Sex on the first date → No
095. Kiss on the first date → Mayyyyybe
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now → My brother too! Lots of interesting stuff to bitch about and probably to go for a run while we're at it.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → No.
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 20 people→ Heyyy, you try and rip me off... where is 99?
001. Real name → Shawn Heng
002. Nickname(s)→ SWVB, Snoopy, Fat Boy
004. Zodiac sign → Libra
005. Male or female → Male
006. Elementary → Holy Innocents' Primary
007. Middle School → Holy Innocents' Middle (if there's such a thing)
008. High School → Serangoon Sec
010. Hair color → Brown with blond highlights
011. Long or short → Mid length
012. Loud or Quiet → Quiet
013. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
014. Phone or Camera → Phone
015. Health freak → Not exactly, more of a weight freak
016. Drink or Smoke? → Neither
017. Do you have a crush on someone?→ Not right now
018. Eat or Drink → Both
019. Piercings → Left ear
020. Tattoos → None
023. First piercing → 14 Nov 2008
026. First crush → A girl in primary school
027. First pet → A goldfish?
030. First big birthday → Primary 6 I think
049. Eating → Nothing
050. Drinking → Nothing
052. I'm about to → Head out for a pancake breakfast!
053. Listening to → The howl of the Melbourne wind
054. Plans for today → Eat pancakes, take photos, run
055. Waiting for → School to start!!!
058. Want kids? → Yes
059. Want to get married? → Yes
060. Careers in mind → Design related
068. Lips or eyes → Eyes
070. Shorter or taller? → Shorter than ME
072. Romantic or spontaneous → Spontaneous
073. Nice stomach or nice arms → Both! One can't do without the other.
074. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
075. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
076. Trouble maker or hesitant → Neither
080. Lost glasses/contacts → Never needed them.
081. Ran away from home → Haha yeah countless times. Like Dion, run away then run back. Sometimes 3km, sometimes 5km.
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense → No
083. Killed somebody → No
084. Broken someone's heart → Not that I know of.
087. Cried when someone died → This might make me sound like a heartless bastard, but no.
089. Yourself → Yes
090. Miracles → Yes
091. Love at first sight → Lesser over the years
092. Heaven → Yes
093. Santa Claus → No
094. Sex on the first date → No
095. Kiss on the first date → Mayyyyybe
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now → My brother too! Lots of interesting stuff to bitch about and probably to go for a run while we're at it.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → No.
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 20 people→ Heyyy, you try and rip me off... where is 99?
Feb 18, 2009
Melbourne City Is Really Small
The hassle of getting a Student Card.
Enrolment wasn't that much of an excitement. Pretty mundane in fact.
This is definitely going to interest some people, especially the guys.
Out of my entire cohort (well, at least those enrolling today), I made the effort to count the number of guys.
Wait, wait.
Before you throw any accusations about me being gay, hear me out.
See my interest in the number of guys is very important and it contributes to the amount of happiness I'll have here in my 3 years.
Ok, so I'm checking out the guys.
I'm the only Singaporean guy, I think there's 1 Hongkie, 1 PRC, 1 Indian, and another 2 asians.
Thats all.
It means the rest of them are females!
Did I hit jackpot or what!?
6 guys surrounded by females. Hmm, I can get used to that.
Oh yeah, the funny thing was, there was nary a caucasian in sight!
What, ang mohs don't like to do design?
Looks like I'm going to be spending my time with alot of asians.
Oh and I realised that PRCs ain't just dominating Singapore, they're all over here as well!
Like, 50% of my class?
Then we have the Koreans, Indonesians, what-have yous...
Singaporeans are a minority.
Melbourne City is a funny place.
It seems huge at first glance, but subsequently, familiar faces start popping up everywhere.
I've been grocery shopping and bumped into Joshua and Johnson.
I met up with Joshua today (since we've nothing better to do till school starts in March) to take a walk around town. Ended up in Crown Casino.
Oh if any of you ever come over, you got to visit Crown Casino.
The ambiance is marvelous and you can watch people throw their life savings away.
Haha seriously. This guy at the black jack table, losing big time. But still going.
Shawn (See Tho) called and said he was in town and asked to meet up, so yeah, another new friend today cos he brought Wei Yang (whom I already met) and his housemate Icha. Then Shawn's friend called and said he was in town, so we met them up too.
2 more new faces.
Clarence (I think) and Carmen.
So we all merrily had dinner together.
On the way back home, bumped into Yang.
Like I said, Melbourne City is a really really small place.
I look forward to living in this really really small place.
At least for now.
Enrolment wasn't that much of an excitement. Pretty mundane in fact.
This is definitely going to interest some people, especially the guys.
Out of my entire cohort (well, at least those enrolling today), I made the effort to count the number of guys.
Wait, wait.
Before you throw any accusations about me being gay, hear me out.
See my interest in the number of guys is very important and it contributes to the amount of happiness I'll have here in my 3 years.
Ok, so I'm checking out the guys.
I'm the only Singaporean guy, I think there's 1 Hongkie, 1 PRC, 1 Indian, and another 2 asians.
Thats all.
It means the rest of them are females!
Did I hit jackpot or what!?
6 guys surrounded by females. Hmm, I can get used to that.
Oh yeah, the funny thing was, there was nary a caucasian in sight!
What, ang mohs don't like to do design?
Looks like I'm going to be spending my time with alot of asians.
Oh and I realised that PRCs ain't just dominating Singapore, they're all over here as well!
Like, 50% of my class?
Then we have the Koreans, Indonesians, what-have yous...
Singaporeans are a minority.
Melbourne City is a funny place.
It seems huge at first glance, but subsequently, familiar faces start popping up everywhere.
I've been grocery shopping and bumped into Joshua and Johnson.
I met up with Joshua today (since we've nothing better to do till school starts in March) to take a walk around town. Ended up in Crown Casino.
Oh if any of you ever come over, you got to visit Crown Casino.
The ambiance is marvelous and you can watch people throw their life savings away.
Haha seriously. This guy at the black jack table, losing big time. But still going.
Shawn (See Tho) called and said he was in town and asked to meet up, so yeah, another new friend today cos he brought Wei Yang (whom I already met) and his housemate Icha. Then Shawn's friend called and said he was in town, so we met them up too.
2 more new faces.
Clarence (I think) and Carmen.
So we all merrily had dinner together.
On the way back home, bumped into Yang.
Like I said, Melbourne City is a really really small place.
I look forward to living in this really really small place.
At least for now.
Feb 17, 2009
Absorbing The Australian Culture
I enroll tomorrow!
After what seem like years, which is probably a few days.
I'm getting a little confused though.
You can't make your student card lest you enroll.
You need your student card to plan your timetable.
Everybody's telling me to do different things first.
Its so farking confusing.
Sometimes I wonder if the system here leads people in circles.
Take ATM cards for example.
I just received mine in the mail.
Yes, unlike Singapore you actually have to wait 5-7 days for your card to arrive in the mail.
They don't issue you one immediately.
That itself isn't that much of a problem.
The real problem being card comes in 5-7 days, your password arrives a few days later.
Man... what does a guy need to do here to enjoy the convenience of an ATM.
Ok I'm not saying it is bad.
This system has been in place for years and it probably suits their way of life.
This is adaptation in progress.
I seriously can't wait for school to start.
I want to study full time again.
After what seem like years, which is probably a few days.
I'm getting a little confused though.
You can't make your student card lest you enroll.
You need your student card to plan your timetable.
Everybody's telling me to do different things first.
Its so farking confusing.
Sometimes I wonder if the system here leads people in circles.
Take ATM cards for example.
I just received mine in the mail.
Yes, unlike Singapore you actually have to wait 5-7 days for your card to arrive in the mail.
They don't issue you one immediately.
That itself isn't that much of a problem.
The real problem being card comes in 5-7 days, your password arrives a few days later.
Man... what does a guy need to do here to enjoy the convenience of an ATM.
Ok I'm not saying it is bad.
This system has been in place for years and it probably suits their way of life.
This is adaptation in progress.
I seriously can't wait for school to start.
I want to study full time again.
Feb 16, 2009
Six Degrees of Seperation
I can't wait for school to start.
I never, ever in my life thought I would say this.
But seriously, I can't wait.
Went down to the Royal Botanic Gardens today.
Had a blast just walking around and snapping away.
I really felt like a tourist. Well, almost lah considering I already knew the place and what to expect.
Been here last week and told myself I would definitely be back to capture this on film.
Even though there's no film now.
Ok capture this on memory stick.
There's really only 6 degrees of separation between each one of us.
All you need to do is meet a friend up, and get to know their friends, and so on.
Met up with Joshua and Shawn today, hence got to make 2 new friends (both had 1 in tow).
It's true asians tend to stick together.
I suppose its easier to communicate.
However, the chance of cultural exchange would be greatly lost if we do not mingle among the locals.
Looked up RMIT website this morning.
Scanned through their sports and recreation club and found a touch football club!
Anyway, I've really got to find a running route soon. Haven't been running in a week!
Cannot cannot.
Dion's doing Sundown and Suburban run.
How to keep up if I just sit on my ass all day?
And Standard Chartered at the end of the year.
Better get my butt in motion soon.
In other news, Chong's back in Sydney.
David's arrived in Melbourne, and I've made small talk with my neighbour.
Haha, hardly anything exciting eh?
Updated facebook with Snapshots 002 darlings, do check it out!
I never, ever in my life thought I would say this.
But seriously, I can't wait.
Went down to the Royal Botanic Gardens today.
Had a blast just walking around and snapping away.
I really felt like a tourist. Well, almost lah considering I already knew the place and what to expect.
Been here last week and told myself I would definitely be back to capture this on film.
Even though there's no film now.
Ok capture this on memory stick.
There's really only 6 degrees of separation between each one of us.
All you need to do is meet a friend up, and get to know their friends, and so on.
Met up with Joshua and Shawn today, hence got to make 2 new friends (both had 1 in tow).
It's true asians tend to stick together.
I suppose its easier to communicate.
However, the chance of cultural exchange would be greatly lost if we do not mingle among the locals.
Looked up RMIT website this morning.
Scanned through their sports and recreation club and found a touch football club!
Anyway, I've really got to find a running route soon. Haven't been running in a week!
Cannot cannot.
Dion's doing Sundown and Suburban run.
How to keep up if I just sit on my ass all day?
And Standard Chartered at the end of the year.
Better get my butt in motion soon.
In other news, Chong's back in Sydney.
David's arrived in Melbourne, and I've made small talk with my neighbour.
Haha, hardly anything exciting eh?
Updated facebook with Snapshots 002 darlings, do check it out!
Feb 15, 2009
Snapshots 001
I finally picked up my pencil and started sketching.
My strokes are so erratic and ugly.
Anyway, I took up Miguel's advice and went out for a bit.
Took in the city views from the perspective of a tourist for the first time since arrival.
I figured, hey I'm going to be here for 3 years, might as well get to enjoy the views now.
I'll probably take them all for granted later.
You know, being an architecture student (albeit a former one), I'm really drawn to the architecture and urban landscape of Melbourne.
I've loaded my camera with lots of scenic shot. No doubt boring to some, but interesting enough for my future recollections.
I've posted some above, enjoy the cityscape with me!
For more snapshots, check out my album on facebook.
I reckon it's got more scenic views, those uploaded here are of small file size cos I took them with my mobile phone.
So yeah, the real shit's on facebook dudes.
Their architecture is somewhat more diverse. A lot more freedom of expression, unlike the somewhat boring and restrained design practiced back home.
This is something we could learn from Australia.
Sometimes, its just best to sit back and let the ideas flow with no restrictions.
See what you can achieve with some imagination.
I don't see many of these appearing in Singapore anytime soon though.
Not with
OH I think I spoke too much.
Till next time mates, cheers!
Feb 14, 2009
The Day I Grew Up
Just sent my parents off.
I realise that in a short 2 hours, they'd be on the plane.
And in another 7, they'll be in another time zone.
You know, the saying goes:
You don't know what you've got till its gone.
The sense of emptiness is starting to build.
They say the army makes a man out of you.
I say the army's gone soft.
Sure, being alone is kind of daunting.
Overcoming it is what defines a person.
Well, I'm going to be doing some serious reflections in my room.
Maybe go for a long jog later.
I don't know.
Kind of at a lost as of what to do.
The pictures on my wall isn't helping either.
Shawn will be back though, promise.
Song: Without You - Yoshiki
I realise that in a short 2 hours, they'd be on the plane.
And in another 7, they'll be in another time zone.
You know, the saying goes:
You don't know what you've got till its gone.
The sense of emptiness is starting to build.
They say the army makes a man out of you.
I say the army's gone soft.
Sure, being alone is kind of daunting.
Overcoming it is what defines a person.
Well, I'm going to be doing some serious reflections in my room.
Maybe go for a long jog later.
I don't know.
Kind of at a lost as of what to do.
The pictures on my wall isn't helping either.
Shawn will be back though, promise.
Song: Without You - Yoshiki
So my parents are leaving for home today.
And I'll be making this place home for the next 3 years.
Being alone in a foreign place is definitely daunting.
I'll tell you when the answer gets to me.
Happy Valentines all.
And I'll be making this place home for the next 3 years.
Being alone in a foreign place is definitely daunting.
I'll tell you when the answer gets to me.
Happy Valentines all.
Feb 12, 2009
Big, Bigger, Biggest
Mr Big's album, of the same title as mentioned above, totally ROCKS MY SOCKS.
Highly recommended to all. From simply soulful ballads like "To Be With You" and "Wild World", to rock ballads like "Green Tinted Sixties Mind" and "Stay Together" to full out rock anthems like "Addicted to that Rush". I feel like a critic. Anyways, Big, Bigger, Biggest is available now in all good CD stores.
It is also available for download from all good download sites.
Now, something relevant to the title.
Had lunch at some Japanese stall along Bridge Rd, Richmond.
I was having some chicken bento set which costs AUD$10.5o.
Firstly, where in Singapore can you find Japanese food for $10.50?
Don't forget, SGD is currently stronger than the AUD.
Anyhoo, for $10.50, they definitely stuffed me.
I've never struggled through a Japanese meal before, for the sole reason Japanese meals in Singapore are so miserable.
Well, I had to literally force it down here.
Food is definitely more expensive than what we're accustomed to, but damn do they make it worth you buck.
AND it actually tastes GOOD!
The light in my room is still not working.
Gonna be in darkness for some time...
Highly recommended to all. From simply soulful ballads like "To Be With You" and "Wild World", to rock ballads like "Green Tinted Sixties Mind" and "Stay Together" to full out rock anthems like "Addicted to that Rush". I feel like a critic. Anyways, Big, Bigger, Biggest is available now in all good CD stores.
It is also available for download from all good download sites.
Now, something relevant to the title.
Had lunch at some Japanese stall along Bridge Rd, Richmond.
I was having some chicken bento set which costs AUD$10.5o.
Firstly, where in Singapore can you find Japanese food for $10.50?
Don't forget, SGD is currently stronger than the AUD.
Anyhoo, for $10.50, they definitely stuffed me.
I've never struggled through a Japanese meal before, for the sole reason Japanese meals in Singapore are so miserable.
Well, I had to literally force it down here.
Food is definitely more expensive than what we're accustomed to, but damn do they make it worth you buck.
AND it actually tastes GOOD!
The light in my room is still not working.
Gonna be in darkness for some time...
Feb 11, 2009
Finally settled into my own room.
Melbourne's really got a horrible way of introducing you to their weather.
One moment it's nice and bakey and the next you're freezing your balls off.
Just today alone, I've experienced heat spells, quick showers, and of course, the biting cold wind.
I hear the heat wave's coming back this weekend.
Better be wearing something really comfortable.
My room doesn't have a fan or any form of air conditioning.
It's natural Australian air for me.
Healthy living.
Yeah right, it's a downgrade from my army bunk.
At least I had a fan, and 2 beds.
But hey, there are girls in this place, so I guess it evens the odds.
The cityscape is breathtaking at night, but every once in a while you could hear some hobo shouting or some tram passing. Not unlike those you see in the movies.
There's this weird smell in my room. Think it was the girl's scent?
I can't say I like it. Definitely offensive to my olfactory senses.
Can't stand it, gotta go get some decent air freshener tomorrow.
People, please come online earlier. I'm 3 hours ahead of you and it's probably only 9pm in Singapore but its midnight here. C'mon, I wanna talk to you guys!
Melbourne's really got a horrible way of introducing you to their weather.
One moment it's nice and bakey and the next you're freezing your balls off.
Just today alone, I've experienced heat spells, quick showers, and of course, the biting cold wind.
I hear the heat wave's coming back this weekend.
Better be wearing something really comfortable.
My room doesn't have a fan or any form of air conditioning.
It's natural Australian air for me.
Healthy living.
Yeah right, it's a downgrade from my army bunk.
At least I had a fan, and 2 beds.
But hey, there are girls in this place, so I guess it evens the odds.
The cityscape is breathtaking at night, but every once in a while you could hear some hobo shouting or some tram passing. Not unlike those you see in the movies.
There's this weird smell in my room. Think it was the girl's scent?
I can't say I like it. Definitely offensive to my olfactory senses.
Can't stand it, gotta go get some decent air freshener tomorrow.
People, please come online earlier. I'm 3 hours ahead of you and it's probably only 9pm in Singapore but its midnight here. C'mon, I wanna talk to you guys!
First and foremost,
Greetings from sunny Melbourne!
It's been a hectic day with lots settling in to do. And I have one hell of a story too.
Hey that rhymes.
Now, contrary to what the newspaper would have you believe, the heat wave is over.
Thank God!
BUT, it is now freezing here. 12 degrees upon my arrival at Melbourne International Airport.
Thank goodness for the lovely (and thick) Puma jacket from my fellow display artists. Honestly, my parents were freezing their butts off.
Managed to check into my apartment by 1pm.
Lovely room number, combination of my birth month and favourite number.
So I'm anticipating going in and finally getting some shut-eye right? Cos you just can't sleep on the plane, especially if you fly economy. I unlock the door and the first thing I see is clothes hanging on the wardrobe. So I'm going "weird..." and push the door open further... this girl gets stunned out of her sleep. Yes, there was a girl in my room. And no, it isn't good. My lease was from 3rd of Feb and there's still a tenant in my room? Anyways, I'm now in my temporary room, cos the girl has to move out. And for those curious bastards, she was asian and yeah, she was pretty cute (sleepy look). Ha!
The city's really busy during the day, but really really dead past 8pm. I got back to the apartment at 9:30pm and slept by 10:30pm. It's really boring without the internet. And applying for internet here requires you to have an Aussie mobile number, which takes 24 hrs to activate. So yeah, I'm only updating now (thats 6:30am Wed Melbourne time) because I just set this internet thing up.
Lots of asians here, they seem to blend in seamlessly into the urban fabric of Melbourne. I have yet to go exploring. Shall do that today with my camera, and hopefully upload tonnes of shots tonight ok?
Thanks to Kevin, Yew Kwang, Ting Ann, Hermann and Rui Song for sending me off, as well as Jeffery who rushed down after a meeting but missed me. Love you guys. =)
Also, love goes out to all the well wishes sent by my friends and family. Wouldn't be here without the support from you guys.
Feb 9, 2009
Injury List

Sleep is getting hard to come by, so I've done up a very rough list of injuries I sustained over the years.
A - Several minor concussions sustained from rugby.
B - Dislocated jaw probably sustained during rugby practice when someone rammed into my face.
C - AC Subluxation. Sustained during rugby practice when I was tripped while running at full speed. Tore the tendon right off the shoulder.
D - Broken pinky. Also sustained from rugby practice. Bad tackle separated the tip from the first joint. Utterly disgusting. Surprisingly, I pushed it back and went for another tackle. And it broke again. Stupid?
E - Back spasms. Maul gone wrong. Opposition forward pack threw their entire weight into my back during practice.
F - Constant knee pains. Been with me since year 2. Origin unknown, but really bugs me. Can't sleep well sometimes, and I reckon I'm going to have alot of problems when I get old.
G - Sore ankle. Recurring injury. Someone dived directly on the ankle during a match and it swelled for the next 2 weeks. Still hurts sometimes and cannot be extended fully.
Moral of the story?
Rugby is a dangerous game.
Makes me so alive!!!
I wanna play again!
Chain of Events
Ade just called this evening wishing me all the best.
I'm gonna miss her too.
I'm especially gonna miss her late night nonsensical calls!
In a seemingly unfortunate chain of events for her, her boyfriend left for Aussie today. Followed by me tomorrow and Justin on Tuesday.
Talk about combo!
I'm gonna miss her too.
I'm especially gonna miss her late night nonsensical calls!
In a seemingly unfortunate chain of events for her, her boyfriend left for Aussie today. Followed by me tomorrow and Justin on Tuesday.
Talk about combo!
Feb 8, 2009
Top 10 List
Surprise surprise, I think I actually managed to squeeze my stuff all into one luggage bag.
Quite a feat huh?
Among the things I (recently) rediscovered while packing my stuff are some with lotsa memories.
Well, I really should be using my time more wisely and finalizing my stuff but...
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. So I'm mimicking the Australian culture and doing this instead!
My Top Ten List of stuff to bring to Australia!
(Memorable stuff, not necessarily having any practical value)
10) Rubik's Cube
Reminds me of my army days and all the army personnel I psycho-ed into loving and playing it.
Plus, it's a time killer.
9) Birthday photobook
Meticulously made by Lynn, goes on my study table.
8) Book (of a certain adult content)
Given me by my fellow display artists at BHG. Apparently I'm going to seek knowledge from it... ALOT. Thanks to Ashley and Siti.
7) Ipod Classic
Holds all my songs to miss home by. And reminisce the times at BHG when I blast my emo nemo songs in public. Memories of Ace, Jonathan, Lipmen, Ashley, Hermann and Siti.
6) Posters
Framed pictures taken during my army days. Direct from the walls of my bunk, and subsequently my room. Will now be placed in my NEW room. Lots of fun with these guys, lots of fun. Printing and laminating in S3 branch with Willy. Breaking into each others' rooms. Samuel as well... what a blast.
5) Runner Tags
My ARR tag and Standard Chartered tag goes with me to remind me I wasn't always a fatass and can run when required! All the YSLs who gave their all running to catch up only to have the regulars lose the lead. My batch of 65/06 officers who (unfortunately) ran twice. My brother and Kevin, who ran the 42km with me.
4) HKU notebook
I just found it again. To think of all the trouble spent just to get it to me is enough to keep me thinking of home.
3) River Island wallet / Nike Hammer watch
My parting gift from my 2 best friends / birthday present from Dion.
2) Nike Dunks
My memory of fun in Thailand with my favourite army buddies.
1) A.R.S.E photoframe
Hand made, magnificently crafted, environmental friendly photoframe from Dion. Will remind me during good times and bad that the Singapore Education System rejected me, and I have to do my best to jack them back.
I'm going to miss everyone.
Quite a feat huh?
Among the things I (recently) rediscovered while packing my stuff are some with lotsa memories.
Well, I really should be using my time more wisely and finalizing my stuff but...
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. So I'm mimicking the Australian culture and doing this instead!
My Top Ten List of stuff to bring to Australia!
(Memorable stuff, not necessarily having any practical value)
10) Rubik's Cube
Reminds me of my army days and all the army personnel I psycho-ed into loving and playing it.
Plus, it's a time killer.
9) Birthday photobook
Meticulously made by Lynn, goes on my study table.
8) Book (of a certain adult content)
Given me by my fellow display artists at BHG. Apparently I'm going to seek knowledge from it... ALOT. Thanks to Ashley and Siti.
7) Ipod Classic
Holds all my songs to miss home by. And reminisce the times at BHG when I blast my emo nemo songs in public. Memories of Ace, Jonathan, Lipmen, Ashley, Hermann and Siti.
6) Posters
Framed pictures taken during my army days. Direct from the walls of my bunk, and subsequently my room. Will now be placed in my NEW room. Lots of fun with these guys, lots of fun. Printing and laminating in S3 branch with Willy. Breaking into each others' rooms. Samuel as well... what a blast.
5) Runner Tags
My ARR tag and Standard Chartered tag goes with me to remind me I wasn't always a fatass and can run when required! All the YSLs who gave their all running to catch up only to have the regulars lose the lead. My batch of 65/06 officers who (unfortunately) ran twice. My brother and Kevin, who ran the 42km with me.
4) HKU notebook
I just found it again. To think of all the trouble spent just to get it to me is enough to keep me thinking of home.
3) River Island wallet / Nike Hammer watch
My parting gift from my 2 best friends / birthday present from Dion.
2) Nike Dunks
My memory of fun in Thailand with my favourite army buddies.
1) A.R.S.E photoframe
Hand made, magnificently crafted, environmental friendly photoframe from Dion. Will remind me during good times and bad that the Singapore Education System rejected me, and I have to do my best to jack them back.
I'm going to miss everyone.
Family Portrait
Feb 7, 2009
Feb 6, 2009
Panic (At The Disco?)
I've essentially got my lazy butt off the couch and started SOME packing.
You know how much stuff there is? This is such a nightmare.
I've stuffed my luggage full and I'm not even half done.
While packing I came across stuff that has lots of memories.
And the you know what?
It goes into the bag.
I gotta be more objective.
Pack light, travel light.
Easier said then done.
I still got tons of shoes!!!
I realise by now that I sound like a freaking bimbo.
No matter, we all have our bimbotic moments.
I can't believe I'll be off on Monday, already.
Time flies when you're having fun.
You know how much stuff there is? This is such a nightmare.
I've stuffed my luggage full and I'm not even half done.
While packing I came across stuff that has lots of memories.
And the you know what?
It goes into the bag.
I gotta be more objective.
Pack light, travel light.
Easier said then done.
I still got tons of shoes!!!
I realise by now that I sound like a freaking bimbo.
No matter, we all have our bimbotic moments.
I can't believe I'll be off on Monday, already.
Time flies when you're having fun.
Feb 4, 2009
Something In Your Mouth
I don't do this often but I'm so into this song right now!
The MTV has been removed from youtube but here's the song BECAUSE IT'S SO HOT!!!
Got to meet the hottie with the million dollar body
They say it´s over budget but you'd pay her just to touch it come on
Needs to hit the big screen and shoot a little love scene
If hollywood had called her she'd be gone before ya had her come on
Pretty little lady with the pretty pink thong
Every sugar daddy hittin on her all night long
Doesn't care about the money she could be with anybody
Ain't it funny how the honey wanted you all along
(you naughty thing)
Your ripping up the dance floor honey
(you naughty women)
You shake your ass around for everyone
(your such a mover)
I love the way you dance with anybody
(the way you swing)
And tease them all by sucking on your thumb
Your so much cooler when you never pull it out
Cuz you look so much cuter with something in your mouth
Crafty little lip tricks
Tattoos on her left hip
She bending as your spending
There´s no ending it so baby come on
Dressed up like a princess
Bettin' that her skin smells better
Than the scent of every flower in the desert come on
Pretty little lady with the pretty pink thong
Every sugar daddy hittin on her all night long.
Doesn't care about the money she could be with anybody
Ain't it funny how the honey wanted you all along
(you naughty thing)
Your ripping up the dance floor honey
(you naughty women)
You shake your ass around for everyone
(your such a mover)
I love the way you dance with anybody
(the way you swing)
And tease them all by sucking on your thumb
Your so much cooler when you never pull it out
Cuz you look so much cuter with
something in your mouth
She loves the night scene bar queen
Living for the fun taking over every dance floor like she´s the only one
In the spotlight all night dissing everyone
Trying to look so innocent while sucking on her thumb
Your so much cooler
When you never pull it out
So much cuter
With something in your mouth
(you naughty thing)
Your ripping up the dance floor honey
(you naughty women)
You shake your ass around for everyone
I love the way you dance with anybody
(the way you swing)
And tease them all by sucking on your thumb
(you naughty thing)
Your ripping up the dance floor honey
(you naughty women)
You shake that ass around for everyone
(your such a mover)
I love the way you dance with anybody
(the way you swing)
And tease them all by sucking on your thumb
Your so much cooler when you never pull it out
Cuz you look so much cuter with something in your
The MTV has been removed from youtube but here's the song BECAUSE IT'S SO HOT!!!
Got to meet the hottie with the million dollar body
They say it´s over budget but you'd pay her just to touch it come on
Needs to hit the big screen and shoot a little love scene
If hollywood had called her she'd be gone before ya had her come on
Pretty little lady with the pretty pink thong
Every sugar daddy hittin on her all night long
Doesn't care about the money she could be with anybody
Ain't it funny how the honey wanted you all along
(you naughty thing)
Your ripping up the dance floor honey
(you naughty women)
You shake your ass around for everyone
(your such a mover)
I love the way you dance with anybody
(the way you swing)
And tease them all by sucking on your thumb
Your so much cooler when you never pull it out
Cuz you look so much cuter with something in your mouth
Crafty little lip tricks
Tattoos on her left hip
She bending as your spending
There´s no ending it so baby come on
Dressed up like a princess
Bettin' that her skin smells better
Than the scent of every flower in the desert come on
Pretty little lady with the pretty pink thong
Every sugar daddy hittin on her all night long.
Doesn't care about the money she could be with anybody
Ain't it funny how the honey wanted you all along
(you naughty thing)
Your ripping up the dance floor honey
(you naughty women)
You shake your ass around for everyone
(your such a mover)
I love the way you dance with anybody
(the way you swing)
And tease them all by sucking on your thumb
Your so much cooler when you never pull it out
Cuz you look so much cuter with
something in your mouth
She loves the night scene bar queen
Living for the fun taking over every dance floor like she´s the only one
In the spotlight all night dissing everyone
Trying to look so innocent while sucking on her thumb
Your so much cooler
When you never pull it out
So much cuter
With something in your mouth
(you naughty thing)
Your ripping up the dance floor honey
(you naughty women)
You shake your ass around for everyone
I love the way you dance with anybody
(the way you swing)
And tease them all by sucking on your thumb
(you naughty thing)
Your ripping up the dance floor honey
(you naughty women)
You shake that ass around for everyone
(your such a mover)
I love the way you dance with anybody
(the way you swing)
And tease them all by sucking on your thumb
Your so much cooler when you never pull it out
Cuz you look so much cuter with something in your
This is some theory I've came up with over the years.
Since I started Poly, taking the train everyday and such. I've theorized a person's character by observing how one subconsciously behaves on the train.
Nope, no thesis. This isn't going to earn me a nobel prize either.
Whether or not you share my sentiments is totally up to you.
Notice when a person boards the train. Does he head toward the centre, or move toward the side?
Centre: Extrovert. Outgoing person who likes mixing in the crowd.
Side: Self conscious. Treasures alone time.
How about where he chooses to seat? In the centre or at the extreme ends?
The theory is similar to that above.
Now let's look at which side he chooses to seat on.
Platform side facing out, or other side facing the platform.
Platform side: Comfortable with current situation but often dream about life outside it.
Other side: Ambitious and exciting, but more often than not prefer the normality that eludes them.
Lastly, which side he chooses to stand on.
Platform side looking out: Down-to-earth person with big dreams.
Platform side looking toward platform: Average with not much ambition.
Other side looking out: Creative.
Other side looking toward platform: Just looking at girls.
Believe it or not, your call!
6 days and counting.
Since I started Poly, taking the train everyday and such. I've theorized a person's character by observing how one subconsciously behaves on the train.
Nope, no thesis. This isn't going to earn me a nobel prize either.
Whether or not you share my sentiments is totally up to you.
Notice when a person boards the train. Does he head toward the centre, or move toward the side?
Centre: Extrovert. Outgoing person who likes mixing in the crowd.
Side: Self conscious. Treasures alone time.
How about where he chooses to seat? In the centre or at the extreme ends?
The theory is similar to that above.
Now let's look at which side he chooses to seat on.
Platform side facing out, or other side facing the platform.
Platform side: Comfortable with current situation but often dream about life outside it.
Other side: Ambitious and exciting, but more often than not prefer the normality that eludes them.
Lastly, which side he chooses to stand on.
Platform side looking out: Down-to-earth person with big dreams.
Platform side looking toward platform: Average with not much ambition.
Other side looking out: Creative.
Other side looking toward platform: Just looking at girls.
Believe it or not, your call!
6 days and counting.
Feb 3, 2009
I guess it's starting to dawn on me.
That a week from now, I will be in a foreign land.
Void of all that is familiar, deprived of things I hold dear.
Just six months ago I couldn't wait for this day.
Yet to this day I dread what's to come tomorrow.
Things will change, people too.
Will we stay the same, me and you?
For time is past, future and now.
Will memories last, will new ones be found?
That a week from now, I will be in a foreign land.
Void of all that is familiar, deprived of things I hold dear.
Just six months ago I couldn't wait for this day.
Yet to this day I dread what's to come tomorrow.
Things will change, people too.
Will we stay the same, me and you?
For time is past, future and now.
Will memories last, will new ones be found?
- Shawn
Feb 2, 2009
Shah of the Street
Have you ever checked out videos on youtube about traffic in India?
No? Here's one that will take your breath away.
Realise that pedestrians crossing the road on the bottom right hand corner of the screen walk on without a care in the world. Take an especially good look at the guy crossing the street at 0:35. Motorists are actually expected to give way to them. They're walking like its their damn grandfather's road! Amazing ain't it?
Why not take a trip down to India and experience it for yourselves? How often do you get to be king of the street? Walking nonchalantly amidst oncoming traffic from all sides.
Afraid the purse strings are a little tight due to the recession? It's ok. Experience it right here in sunny Singapore!
Head down to Little India (that's upper serangoon road for those ignoramuses) on a Sunday afternoon and be wowed by the spectacle that is the Indians!
Seriously, if you think the video was bad, take a drive in Little India.
I have never been so pissed.
No? Here's one that will take your breath away.
Realise that pedestrians crossing the road on the bottom right hand corner of the screen walk on without a care in the world. Take an especially good look at the guy crossing the street at 0:35. Motorists are actually expected to give way to them. They're walking like its their damn grandfather's road! Amazing ain't it?
Why not take a trip down to India and experience it for yourselves? How often do you get to be king of the street? Walking nonchalantly amidst oncoming traffic from all sides.
Afraid the purse strings are a little tight due to the recession? It's ok. Experience it right here in sunny Singapore!
Head down to Little India (that's upper serangoon road for those ignoramuses) on a Sunday afternoon and be wowed by the spectacle that is the Indians!
Seriously, if you think the video was bad, take a drive in Little India.
I have never been so pissed.
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