Jun 26, 2009
Michael Jackson dies at the age of 50.
While undoubtedly freaky toward his end, he was the innovator of his time and an excellent entertainer and performer.
MJ has provided our generation with hits such as Thriller, Billie Jean, etc.
Makes you wonder how fragile life can be.
Here one moment, gone the next.
Jun 24, 2009
Be Grateful
Important stuff to note:
But despite his symptoms, Dr Lester said Mr Splatt was not tested for the H1N1 virus until he was transferred to Maroondah Hospital in Melbourne on Friday. She said his test results came back yesterday — three days after he died of respiratory failure.
When asked why this took so long, Dr Lester said the Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory that processes H1N1 tests had been busy.
She then went on to say that "The important thing to remember here is that this man was managed appropriately on his clinical picture. The fact that it was H1N1 swine flu would not have made any difference to his management."
Is this the way hospitals are equipped to deal with the H1N1 virus? Because if it is, I certainly wouldn't want to be in Victoria. The fact that she said "The fact that it was H1N1 swine flu would not have made any difference to his management" seriously put doubts on Australia's medical institutions. Are they not treated separately? Are they treated in the the vicinity as any other patient? How could he NOT be managed differently?
Be grateful of what you have in Singapore, and pray none of us here in Australia gets it.
Start Working
Illustrator and Photoshop ain't gonna learn themselves.
Currently hooked on:
1) The Big Bang Theory
2) Samurai Sentai Shinkenger
3) Friends (seasons 1 - 10, believe it or not)
Jun 21, 2009
The Circumscribicus Connotationus Theorum
"40% Off Everything."
So with that in mind, one would immediately relate it to the fact that everything in the store, regardless of race, language or religion (ok pun very much intended), would be discounted to a 60% rate of the retail price.
One is also subconsciously aware of the fact that business psychology is very prevalent in our modern society, and hence would deduce that if one spots a price tag that is of a significantly different colour and indicating a substantially different price, it would mean that the discount is void of that particular product.
Hence, when I saw a pair of shoes with a white price tag that said $50.00, and an orange tag beneath it that read $30.00, it would be safe to assume that the pair of shoes was retailing at $30.00 and no further discount would be relevant to the product because it has a bright orange sticker taggy thingy to differentiate it from the other white sticker taggy thingies.
Imagine my shock when it was scanned and the salesgirl told me "$18.00".
Has conventional social idiocyncracies led us to associate brightly coloured tags for exceptions? Are we incapable of comprehending things the way they are presented to us? 40% off everything. EVERYTHING!
By the way, I've got a pair of Puma shoes for $18.
Jun 18, 2009
I've been telling myself to update this damn blog for ages, buuuuuut, too lazy. Haha! Ok just so you can catch up with what's happening in my life, I have one month of freedom before semester 2 commences. And in this month, I intend to -
1) Get back in shape.
2) Start T.O.U.G.H training.
3) Read through all my required readings.
4) Finish Angels and Demons.
5) Finish Catch-22. (It's actually the title of a really good book! Didn't know till my lecturer pointed it out. Go have a look!)
6) Master layer/vector masking.
7) Learn Displacement.
8) Brush up on Illustrator.
9) Read up on digital photography fundamentals.
10) Find a better place to stay and move out of this shit hole.
Australia defeated Japan 2-1 yesterday. Just as well I gave it a miss. Didn't want Australia to win anyway. Haha! Tim Cahill scored both goals in case you're wondering.
It is seriously FREAKING COLD now! And it's not even winter... I need a winter jacket soon.
Oh interesting note (for Miguel), there's a shop selling Onitsuka Tigers for AUD$50! And they change designs like every week! It's my new favourite shop man.
Everybody's going home... I miss home. Awwwwwwwwwww.
Jun 9, 2009
I Love Japan
Was going to go to the World Cup qualifiers in the Japanese national jersey, but... it looks like crap. Aww..... Well we'll see what I can find.
Jun 8, 2009
F.R.E.E = Finally Really Extra Eng ('eng' means free for those who don't understand)
This is a miracle. Uncharted territory. History is in the making. Shawn has completed his work an amazing 2 days before submission! A giant leap for mankind!
Oh well. Nothing to do now except enjoy the Queen's birthday. Never knew Australia has a Queen though... Weird.
Looking forward to watching Japan vs Australia World Cup Qualifier LIVE from MCG!
And yeah, of course I support...
Jun 2, 2009
Movie Poster
Of Movie Posters and Conversational Cards

Ok seriously, you know how long I've been working on this damned movie poster. Since donkey weeks ago I've been posting roughs. Aww well. I think I'm finally settling for this set. Don't care. Apart from refining, I'm not touching them anymore. Oh yeah if the main title page looks weird to you, it's because I haven't touched up the face. But bitch about that on my tag board if you want. I'm always open to criticism. =)
Conversation cards. Yup, I said I was going to post them, so here they are. I know, the protagonist barely looks like Dion, but hey, I tried. LOL!
Today's Adelene's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Melbourne to Perth!
In other news, today is also challenge day. Which means I'm completing my challenge today and starting on 3.0.
Shawn Heng on overdrive. (Yeah right)
Jun 1, 2009
Awww man.. I'm itching to run but it's freezing. 8 deg isn't exactly the nicest of weathers to take a jog in. And when they say you pile on the calories during winter, they weren't kidding. The colder it gets, the more you eat. Ooooo.. remember the Shawn from 4SAB? LOL! But seriously, no way I'm going back to that!
8 days and counting to submission. I've just finished my 3 cards, with Dion as my subject. Haha. I'll post that up soon(ish). Flip book is hell. I'm still halfway through most stuff. Better get cracking on them pronto.
List of things to do.
1) Studio A - Project 3.0 Photo imagery
2) Studio B - 3 conversational cards + metamorphoses flip book
3) Studio C - Movie Poster splash page, sypnopsis page, genre page, rationale page, screenshots page.
4) Design Theory - Challenge: designing a pair of shoes
Ok time's ticking check this space soon I'll definitely find some time to bitch/comment about work.