For those of you who do read my blog, or stumbled upon it somehow, well, just want to take the time to thank everyone for all the well wishes, be it via facebook, sms, email, snail mail - they are greatly appreciated.
I'm not someone who likes to celebrate lavishly, so for those who remembered, thank you. I'm growing ancient so that's probably another reason NOT to publicise my birthday. Anyhow, lots of great gifts, nice cards, surprises, cake... Ellis actually compiled a birthday card with wishes from my friends, and that was really sweet.
For those who sent me a comment on facebook, thank you for taking the time to leave that short comment. I've replied each and everyone independently. As for those in the above mentioned card, I would like to thank you here.
Big thanks to:
Miguel Tan
Samuel Koh
Liew Sing For
Adelene Valentia Wee
Kevin Tan
Wong Zhen Cong
Denise Tan
Andy Seow
Paul Lam
Dan Samitisirisuk
Also to those from home:
Da Jie
Er Jie
San Jie
Si Jie
All the kids
I've been told I have a birthday present sitting in my room waiting for me to open when I get back. Talk about having incentives to going back eh? I'm missing Singapore even more now.
On a totally unrelated note. Today being 2nd Oct means in a week it'll be 11th Oct. (Well 10th Oct comes first and don't worry I haven't forgot that important date) It's officially 7 days to the St George Melbourne Marathon. I hope I don't die, or rather, remain fit enough to walk to Uni on Monday.
There's a countdown occuring on Dion's Photoblog to the end of his misery (read-internship), so I'm starting a couple here too.
Countdown to end of semester: 23 days
Countdown to Singapore: 48 days
Can't wait.