Oct 28, 2009

From The Good Old Days

I was just looking through my long forgotten photobucket account (cos I kinda remembered I had one) and found this gem of a photo.

Yup, that was me in Primary School.
That is a 11-12 year old kid, all of 75kg.
(which is by the way, almost the same weight as I am now)

Now, how can you not find that cute?

Oct 27, 2009


Welcome to the new and improved shawndownunder.blogspot.com.

As you can see, there are several changes made, none of which extremely fancy or complicated. Was supposed to be a more complicated design though. Honestly, I actually bothered opening Dreamweaver to tinker with the html codes. However, it didnt work out as it was supposed to, so here's what you get. A watered-down version of what it was meant to be.

I've got to start compiling my portfolio soon, and when I'm done with compiling my 1st year's work, I'll probably post it up on RMIT's RAWS server. Not too sure yet but that's the plan.

Countdown to Singapore : 24 days

Oct 26, 2009

For Those With Beer Buddies

Scientists at the Medical Research Council of Cambridge found beer and nuts harm male fertility. Both are full of isoflavones, which mimic the female sex hormone estrogen.

While it is okay to indulge in a beer and a nibble of Nobby's once a week, if you're trying for a baby, boost your chances of conception by switching to vodka and orange. University of California studies show that this zinc-and-folate packed drink raises sperm counts (never knew that eh?) by up to 78%.

In moderation, of course.

Australian Men's Health, Nov 2009, 'Fem-ale', pg. 26

Countdown to Singapore : 25 days

Oct 25, 2009

26 OCT 2009

It's here! It's tomorrow! It's final submission day!!!
The countdown is finally over. Time to sit back, relax, and wake up at noon everyday!

Ok not really... more like time to get your lazy butt moving and start training for SCSM you pig.

Oct 22, 2009


Everything is done and printed.
Let's see... it's Thursday, so I'm 4 days ahead of time!
Love the feeling, gives you the chance to step back and look at things differently.
So anyway, apart from workshop challenges, everything's done.

Oct 21, 2009


Not going to name any names here, but I think the image speaks for itself. How about it? Would you buy a t-shirt with this? Haha. For those of you who are lost, it's a Singaporean thing.


Website has been troubleshooted, tested and up online. No more changing! I'm left with folio compilation and printing! OMG OMG OMG!

My Affair With DreamWeaver

After many painful sleepless nights, I'm happy to say that I'm finally finished with my website. It might not look professional or sleek, but lets remember that it is my first stab at web design. Will I want to major in web design? Not really. I'm not sure if i'll even open DreamWeaver again. Not if I can help it. It's 0330hrs. Website's done, and all but Studio D's packaging left. I need feedback on my website. Ask me for the address.

Countdown: 6 days to final submission.

31 days to Singapore.

Dion's got his iphone. I need one soon too.

Oct 17, 2009

Interesting Sports Facts

Just something I saw from a magazine.

Listed are the sport with number of injuries per 1000 hours

Threadmill Running - 6
Rowing - 8
Outdoor Running - 11
Basketball - 14
Snow Sports - 16
Squash - 16
Football - 18
Rugby - 31

Does it make sense to you now why I'm so disfigured? Lol! Ok later, back to DreamWeaver.

Oct 15, 2009

What Better Than A Nice Crown Dinner?

When you slow things down and let the world pass you by, that's when you start to appreciate the finer things in life.

Rushing only makes life miserable. Life is too short to be rushed, every moment needs to be savoured for full effect.

Of course, it's a double edged sword. But one can honestly say on hindsight that only through the complete experience, even through hard times, can one truly appreciate the good times.

Good times, like a long 2 hour dinner. =)

Oct 13, 2009


Ok as you can probably see, final deadline's coming cos Shawn is always blogging more than ever when it's crunch time. Talk about good time management.

Received my folios for various projects back today.

Studio D - Intrigue (HD)
Studio E - Celebrity Item (DI)
Studio F - Magazine (DI)

An extra boost to work extra hard for the finals. I got to say, I'm really happy with the HD, cos I never thought I'd break the DI barrier for Studio D (past 2 projects being mere CRs).

At the risk of sounding pompous, I kind of despise Credits. It's fine if it was a Pass or Fail or Distinction, cos it tells you where you stand. To me, a Credit's just telling you... you're not really there but I don't want to break your heart so hey, take a Credit! But that's just me yabbing.

That means it's 3 more working days for you. ;)


The official timings are in and the previously reported one is wrong.
I officially finish 4:45:54 on the clock and 4:44:59 net.
Which means... I did it below my target of 4:45:00!!! Even by a second, I'll take it!

Ok before I get overly excited, I've been looking through the race timings as well as the average timings for specific age groups. Turns out, my timing is considered VERY slow.
Of the participants aged between 20-60, the average timing was BELOW 4hrs! Hence, I'm only relevant in the 61-65 year old age group, whose average timing is 4:49:05!

That SUCKS! And here I am thinking breaking the 5hr barrier was cool.
Ok next up, training to break the 4hr mark for Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon on Dec 6th.

On a (almost) totally unrelated note, I'm officially done with 1 of my 4 final projects and looking to complete another by tonight, which leaves 2. Not too shabby, except one of them involves DreamWeaver. And I have had it known about my sentiments towards that programme. But, yeah it'll come around when it does, and I'll complete it whether I like it or not.

Counting down to 26th Oct.
Verociously counting.

Oct 11, 2009

While You Were Sleeping

0700hrs on a Sunday morning, while most of Melbourne is still snugly tucked in their beds enjoying their slumber, I chose to spend my morning (and my $110) torturing myself.

42.195km in 4:45:49.

Not too bad considering I still had tonnes of winter weight and not much training.
Wouldn't consider this my PB though, cos of the dizzy spell at the 20 and the severe cramps to both quads from the 26 onward.

Looking forward to equaling or better the timing in Singapore.

It's started to rain now... what better weather could one ask for?
Sleep time. My poor legs.


The time has come again.
0700hrs, MCG, 11 Oct 2009.

Shall update again when I return.

Oct 6, 2009

Adobe DreamWeaver

As frustrating as it is to place text and images where I desire, as irritating as it is to create css styles and div tags, as infuriating as it is to insert a nav bar only to have it out of place, as fucked up as it is to use the damn programme...

...I think I'm slowly starting to like this bitch of a software.

Maybe I'm just a closet technophobe.

Oct 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Shawn

For those of you who do read my blog, or stumbled upon it somehow, well, just want to take the time to thank everyone for all the well wishes, be it via facebook, sms, email, snail mail - they are greatly appreciated.

I'm not someone who likes to celebrate lavishly, so for those who remembered, thank you. I'm growing ancient so that's probably another reason NOT to publicise my birthday. Anyhow, lots of great gifts, nice cards, surprises, cake... Ellis actually compiled a birthday card with wishes from my friends, and that was really sweet.

For those who sent me a comment on facebook, thank you for taking the time to leave that short comment. I've replied each and everyone independently. As for those in the above mentioned card, I would like to thank you here.

Big thanks to:
Miguel Tan
Samuel Koh
Liew Sing For
Adelene Valentia Wee
Kevin Tan
Wong Zhen Cong
Denise Tan
Andy Seow
Paul Lam
Dan Samitisirisuk

Also to those from home:
Da Jie
Er Jie
San Jie
Si Jie
All the kids

I've been told I have a birthday present sitting in my room waiting for me to open when I get back. Talk about having incentives to going back eh? I'm missing Singapore even more now.

On a totally unrelated note. Today being 2nd Oct means in a week it'll be 11th Oct. (Well 10th Oct comes first and don't worry I haven't forgot that important date) It's officially 7 days to the St George Melbourne Marathon. I hope I don't die, or rather, remain fit enough to walk to Uni on Monday.

There's a countdown occuring on Dion's Photoblog to the end of his misery (read-internship), so I'm starting a couple here too.
Countdown to end of semester: 23 days
Countdown to Singapore: 48 days

Can't wait.

Oct 1, 2009

Happy Childrens' Day

There's a child in all of us.
Take the time, relive the carefree life.
We all know that kiddish feeling.
We feel it itching to burst out ever so often.
Don't hold back.
It's only one day a year.

Have a marvelous CHILDRENS' DAY!