May 27, 2009
Manchester United vs Barcelona FC
Still remember watching last year's final in a comfy hotel room in Koh Samui.
Man U beat Chelsea!! OMGOMGOMG!
And now, Mmy moolah's on Man U to kick Barca's Spanish ass!
Manchester United will remain champions of Europe!
TOUGH's got a new meaning
Oh well, it's submission in 2 weeks so I guess I'm going to be updating sporadically for now.
On a lighter Shawn related note, Yang and I plan to start garang training regime after his exams!
Yang's gearing up for his Ironman in Langkawi next year and me, Melbourne marathon in Oct as well as Standard Chartered in Dec.
Train train train!!!
We've came up with a name, rather spastic, but a name nonetheless.
Team Of Ultra Garang Humans
Haha yeah, retarded. But then again, we're quite serious about tough training. I want my six pack! LOL!
Insane people welcome to join. Sign up now! I guarantee better results than Fitness First or whatever crap gym that's sucking your money.
May 22, 2009
Movie Poster continued


Hey there! Thanks for all the comments. The previous one was a working progress, so thanks for all the constructive criticism!
I've uploaded the few new ones, hopefully they look more decent. By the way one of the criteria of this project is that I have to include myself in the poster. Hence it is not some bad case of self idolization. Oh and I have to minimise the use of black and white, therefore a lot of really light tints and really dark shades are used. If you see them as black or white on your computer screen, you're probably using a PC. HAHAHAHA!!
The title has been changed to "Catch-22", which is a slang for "dilemma". My caption is "fight for honour, fight for your life", from the song M.I.A by Avenged Sevenfold. I want that song as the soundtrack man!
5 projects due in June! Chiong ah!!!
May 18, 2009
Movie Poster 2.0

Been busy the past week, 5 projects due in June and not too much time to get them done. And I intend to break the HD barrier! Haha!
Ok I've scrapped the crime movie poster cos I don't think it'll work out and it doesn't make for much of a story. I mean... how much can a guy with a camera do? And it doesn't help that I have to be in the poster.
Have decided to concentrate on 'war' instead. I've tonnes of stock photos of me in the army, and story's shouldn't be that hard to fabricate.
I've done up a draft, hopefully not too shabby looking. Ok pardon the cheesy movie title, I've got to place a title somewhere to get the feel. LOL! Comments please people, as usual. And oh, if you have any interesting title suggestions, do include them as well!
Hmm.. maybe some fighter planes in the background? Oh well, I'll work something out.
May 11, 2009
Supermassive Ego Boost
Studio B Drawing and Illustration : Distinction
Studio A Tattoo : Distinction
That's 2 Distinctions in a day!!!
I'm currently treading on cloud 9.
Next stop, HD!
May 9, 2009
Movie Poster in The Making

Ok this is nowhere near complete, just playing around with possibilities. Anyways remember the pattern project? Yeah I'm supposed to incorporate the pattern here, so I've selected crime for my movie theme. This poster draws influence from The Godfather, Goodfellas, and Scarface. I haven't put the pattern in but I don't really know how a movie poster should be like so input is much appreciated here.
I'm just so interested in MMA and Brazillian Jiu Jutsu.
Yeah yeah, whatever. I think its really useful someday anyway!
Oh and I just saw the gogoplata move on youtube, as well as an alternate gogoplata if the initial one is blocked. Awesome.
Video link: Gogoplata
Video link: Wicked Gogoplata
Murphy's Law of Bullshit
Murphy's law is an adage in Western culture that broadly states: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong."
I never had a slice of bread,
Particularly large and wide,
That did not fall upon the floor,
And always on the buttered side.
Well, I do suppose that, or something of that equivalent, has happened to the best of us. We do often find ourselves in the queerest and tightest of situations. And just when things appear to not get any worse, it one ups itself.
But let's take a step back and look at things from a fresh perspective. Why does toast always land butter side down? Why? The answer lies, my dear friends, in ergonomics.
It was centuries ago that Vitruvius created the perfect man - one of perfect proportion. It was named the Vitruvian Man. (Seriously, go google it if you're lost. You've definitely seen this one.) Also discovered was the Golden Ratio. The proportion that is exceptionally pleasing to the eye. It is of this precise blend of Mathematics and Art that many an artist or architect have based their work on hencewith, but I digress.
Much of this is in relation to the kind of furniture, infrastructure of modern day. You see, without these, we would not have a sense of proportion, and ergonomics would not have come to be. It is this precise pursuit of ergonomics that answers the very question, "why does toast always land butter side down".
Ergonomics is the study of human capabilities in relation to their work demands. Hence, a typically ergonomic dinner table, of a height of say, 1200mm, is optimal to a person of average height sitting down to a good meal. Now this is where physics come into play. When a piece of toast is dropped from a height of 1200mm, a combination of Earth's gravitational force, as well as the piece of toast's stored kinetic energy, causes it to flip 180 degrees and land - butter side down. Had the table been twice the height, it would land, butter side up.
My point being, we are in control of these situations. We are not submissive to Murphy's law. We are the driving force of our lives, and Murphy's law is a weak and feeble attempt by someone who needs something to blame for his/her incompetance.
Let us not blame others for our shortcomings or misfortunes. I say take up ownership. Things happen for a reason. How you deal with it defines the kind of person you are.
Murphy's law? Bullshit.
May 6, 2009
Death As It Comes
In it, I was tied to a burning stake, slowly being snuffed to death.
And I remember asking myself, am I ready to die?
Have I accomplished everything I could, what is left that I have not done?
Could I have done anything better?
How will I be remembered?
Do the people I love know how much they are loved?
Have I been the best person I have been?
I remember...
At the end of the dream, right before I woke up.
I said to myself.
Take me lord.
May 4, 2009
Sometimes I wonder... if it is obsessive compulsive behaviour.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Why are you so very far?
Up above the world so high
Where we mere mortals watch and sigh
Twinkle twinkle little star
I can see you from my car
You shine above, so bright and gay
The transient light of night from day
Twinkle twinkle little star
I wish to keep you in a jar
That you may keep me safe and sound
So I will smile instead of frown
Twinkle twinkle little star
I love how mysterious you are
I may never know you well
But in my heart you'll always dwell
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are...