Sep 28, 2009
Sep 21, 2009
Public Request
So I have decided to change it to a more narcissistic looking one!
Sep 18, 2009
Intrigue - Part 2

Ok this is what I've been working on. You might need to click on the picture and view it in actual size to make out the words.
Still work in progress. I shall not provide an explanation yet, so it's open to your own interpretation.
I'm still not happy with the colour blend though, don't seem to mix very well... is it too dark? Well, gonna work on it later, after a nice relaxing run and a nice refreshing dinner. =)
Sep 13, 2009
I Hate Clubbing
Ask me why and I'll gladly name a thousand and one reasons.
Sep 9, 2009
Le Kua Simi
Sorry I just couldn't help it.
All that bastardized English! SINGLISH!!!
All my friends say I'm a chiongster
Who likes to drink teh si
My civic may be lao pok chia
But can almost hit 50
I just minding my own business
Why the others all cut me
They change lane don't use signal and
They always challenge me
Le kua simi, le kua simi?
(Eh kua simi? See what see)
See the light red turn green
See my super chio rim
Even though your car faster than me
My Honda still more swee
You may think you reach there faster than
You can order your ice cream
Le kua simi? Le kua simi?
I only earn $900, but my petrol $550
They say now is the downturn but
My car got leather seat
I know my car is not last forever
Because of COE
But a man must have his vision
And his density
Wa kua simi? Wa kua simi?
Find more girl at the bar
When they see my new car
They got feeling the techno beat
My bass tube sibei tua
I will drive you to Mount Faber and
Together we see star
Le kua simi?
Le kua simi tonight
Got sea and got mountain
You and me tonight
We going to reach milky way
Together we can join to make the down payment
Get a better car that I can afford
Zor kang cannot kiao kah
I must work extra hard
I must work in the sun until my face become chow tah
When patience is a virgin
You must wait long long time
No ah beng at the traffic light
Can hope to challenge me
Le kua simi? Le kua simi?
Sep 8, 2009
The Stretching Myth
Uncommon Wisdom: Stretching is worthless for distance runners.
Whether you stretch or not, you probably assume it is important. Doesn't it make you more flexible, more injury-resistant, even faster? But if that's all true, why is it that many Kenyans don't stretch? Why was legendary coach Arthur Lydiard not a fan of stretching? Why does Galloway say: "In my experience runners who stretch are injured more often, and when they stop stretching the injuries often go away?" And why do many studies keep popping up that show stretching may cause as many injuries as it prevents?
"Most runners have an unjustified faith in the benefits of stretching," says Paul Ingraham, a runner, massage therapist, and health journalist. "Plentiful research has shown that stretching doesn't help you warm up, ease muscle soreness, prevent injury, or enhance performance. In fact, no measurable, significant benefit of stretching has ever been proven."
Science backs him up. In reviews of the scientific literature on stretching in 1999 and 2000, published in the British Medical Journal and the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, stretching was found to have no statistically significant effect on reducing muscle soreness or injuries. A 2008 study of 1020 soldiers – half stretched and half didn't – found no difference in the frequency of injuries.
Ingraham's message is that you don't need to feel guilty if you do little or no stretching. But he admits that he still stretches some, simply because it feels good. If you're careful and enjoy stretching, you don't have to stop either. But if you're not sure how to stretch, don't have time, or hate doing it, don't bother.
Runner's World, Sept/Oct 2009
The Rules (Revised), pg 47
Reality TV
Yesterday was supposed to be the deadline for our Studio D shampoo project.
After the usual exhibition where everybody appreciates others' work, David went on his usual long rant (it was an hour long!) and culminated with "your deadline is next week". Like what the hell!? This is seriously frustrating.
More improvements to be done on the shampoo bottles now. I've spent almost $100 on it. Blast...
Sep 3, 2009
Shawn's Week Out of Uni
I'm so bummed with my magazine. Not too well conceived on the design aspect, but I reckon its got a helluva riveting read. And my god has Tania not replied to my email consultation. It's one thing to aspire to finish your work by last Sunday, but thwarted by something beyond your control? Damn.
Got my shampoo labels printed. The female one's done, with the male one lacking the all important jac paper. I like my concept, not too sure if it was translated well into reality though.
Power Potion for Hair.
Yep, that is the label for both genders.
Been working hard on the getting the stamina back on track the past week. Still not back in the groove for long distances (read: distances over 5km) yet, hoping to get back to doing 10km in 50 mins soon. Melbourne Marathon's 6 weeks away, god bless me eh?
Ok, Family Guy's coming on soon. Still the old mark for Family Guy.