I've been back down under for about 3 weeks now, apologies for not updating this blog. Just got my internet set up today. I'm excited! Starting a new sem, new challenges. None of which will be as daunting and challenging as the one I will face next weekend.
The Mind Alpine Challenge is a 48 hour, 100mile (160km) race through the trails of the Alpine Ranges of Mt Bogong. The completion rate is only about 40%, and this year, we have 2 teams from Sunny Singapore attempting this challenge.
Team T.O.U.G.H (Team Of Ultra Garang Humans) consists of my team mate Wilson Low, an ex commando officer and veteran at Ironmans and adventure racing, and me – a veteran of... well... 3 marathons? As you can see, there is a gulf of difference between us, and I want to try my hardest not to let my team mate down. We could very well be the first Singaporeans to complete this race, unless of course, the other team prevails.
Team Into The Wild – Jasmine Wong and Sim Yihui. One an experienced international adventure racer who completed a 260km desert run on her first ultra marathon, the other part of Singapore's first ever Womens' Everest Team. As you can see, they are very accomplished and are seeded to complete the race.
We've been training together back in Singapore, and to be honest, I'm often the one lagging behind in terms of physical and mental conditioning. They know what they are getting into, I don't. I've had a lot of people telling me 100 miles is a crazy distance for a first ultra, what more cross terrain. Well, I will find out for myself won't I? We are however, really motivated to do this not only as a challenge to ourselves, but also for a good cause. Not only are we racing, we are also helping to raise funds for Mind. (Will provide a link soon) We hope to bring glory to the tiny island of Singapore, and we certainly hope we can get as much support as possible.
Pain is temporary, pride is forever.
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